How wonderful is it that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world.

Anne Frank

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Yoest Management Training


FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime


Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.



§ Volunteer Form

Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you

§ Events



§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

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§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

§ Logo

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California Action Calls

Why a Parental Rights Amendment?

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Sign On To California Personhood Now!

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Video - “Why do you consider a “tea party”...

"Why do you consider a "tea party" because of the taxes such a big deal, but when it comes to the unborn, you're nowhere to be seen?"

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The Fruits of Sidewalk Counseling

On this particular day at least one child was allowed to live, at least one mom was spared from making a tragic mistake and suffering the many consequences - physical, emotional and spiritual, and one woman began the healing process just one year after aborting her child rather than what could have been decades later. All, thanks be to God.

Continue reading at Children Deserve Birth

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Planned Parenthood: False Prophet with Plans for U.S. Health Care

by Deacon Keith Fournier

I took some time recently to read Planned Parenthood’s Annual Report. As a 501 c3 organization (with an affiliated “Action fund” for its more overtly political efforts) they have to make the report available to the public. I well understand the role and function of such reports having led not for profits groups in the past. It keeps members, supporters and friends aware of the organizations use of their funds and gives the organization the opportunity to self promote. The Planned Parenthood report is deeply disturbing.

Planned Parenthood is built on a lie. They have dressed themselves up as a “Health Care Provider” while they include the taking of the lives of innocent children in the womb as a “service” under their offering of “reproductive services”. They have insinuated themselves into the global delivery of “medical services” receiving massive government funding. There is nothing “reproductive” about abortion, it always kills. It is certainly not a service to the child, the mother, the father or society. Nor is it “health care”. It is feticide. Funding it is morally repugnant. Planned Parenthood is the leading institutional champion of a culture which has redefined “choice” to include killing young innocent human life and “freedom” to include the commission of unspeakable horrors against an entire class of people, children in the first home of the whole human race.

Their 2007 – 2008 Report takes their claims to a level of audacity which I have never seen.

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Until Abortion is Abolished

Until abortion and embryo destruction are abolished, we defenders of life must become much more vocal and visible. This will require a dramatic increase in the numbers of us who are willing to be active.

We must engage in multiple kinds of activities, which have varied goals and require multiple and varied front lines. I believe that abortion centers should be reserved for prayer-supported sidewalk outreach 40 HOURS OF EVERY WEEK OF EVERY YEAR AT EVERY KILLING CENTER UNTIL ABORTION IS ABOLISHED (40 Hours being symbolic of a “business” week).

The sidewalk outreach I encourage is not about trying to close down an abortion center, it’s about saving a child from certain death and his/her parents from certain harm, one family at a time.

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Serious Thoughts on Sidewalk Counseling

Are you considering becoming engaged in sidewalk counseling, but hesitating because you have some unresolved questions or concerns? Perhaps there isn’t a group in your area doing sidewalk counseling that you could join, so you’re looking for a like-minded partner before you get started. Or perhaps there is an opportunity to join others in your area, but you would prefer to use a different approach.

If you fit into one of the above categories, this article was written for you. To be sure though, it is essential to distinguish between what sidewalk counseling is and is not.

The goal here is to guide you in reflecting very seriously and thoroughly (as though someone’s life is dependant upon your discernment) on your intentions and on the techniques you may be considering.

For an in-depth reflection on this subject, continue reading at
Sidewalk Counseling

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What Is Sidewalk Counseling?

Sidewalk counseling is “reaching out” to mothers and fathers, who are contemplating or planning abortion, to offer them information that they have a need and right to know. It is conducted by way of conversation and literature. It is done with love and out of concern for unborn children who are in danger of being deprived of their God-given right to be born into the world and for their parents, especially mothers, who are in danger of being severely harmed in numerous ways.

Sidewalk counseling is conducted on public sidewalks outside abortion facilities on days that abortions are being committed and/or days when pre-abortion evaluations or pregnancy tests are provided.

Parents may be offered information about where to go for free pregnancy tests, counseling and practical assistance, as well as fetal development, adoption, abortion procedures, risks and side effects, and post-abortion counseling and healing....

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Up-to-date Video and Audio of Pastor Walter Hoye and His Wife Lori

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Hear our Cry - Our 200th Video is up at Pro-Life Unity and!

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Live Video - 8:30 pm - 10:00 pm San Francisco United for Life Celebrate Life! Dinner and awards

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Issues4Life Foundation (Walter Hoye Incarceration) Updates #5

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Oakland, California, April 4th, 2009 - Pastor Walter Hoye Support Rally & Press Conference

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Pastor Hoye update from his wife and Pastor Dion Evans - 03/24/09

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Prayer Vigil for Pastor Hoye Sunday, March 22nd

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Video - Free Pastor Hoye!

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Help Pastor Walter Hoye Today!

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E PLURIBUS UNUM in unity is strength

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Listings at Children Deserve Birth


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U.S. Supreme Court Upholds Partial Birth Abortion Ban


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