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Friday, March 04, 2016

Song of Solomon 2:4 (Pt. 4) Thought/Prayer: The Merry-Heart Smorgasbord. Topics: 2 @ end.

“He brought me to the banquet hall. His banner over me is love.”  (WEB)
Proverbs 5:15 “All the days of the afflicted are evil: but he that is of a merry heart has a continual feast.” (AKJV)  (Read these scriptures and more at

If we have a merry heart and enjoy its continual feast from the Lord, what might our smorgasbord from above include?  Well, lots of helpings of grace, piled high like a triple-decker chocolate sundae.  And then there are bowl after bowl of kindness.  A merry heart can well feast in kindness.  How about a huge platter of faith?  This can be the center of the table, such as the Thanksgiving turkey.  Faith at the center of our merry hearts.

Then there is the large basket of homemade rolls:  the gifts of the spirit, each shaped a bit differently, giving off wonderful scents to lead us to enjoy flavors . . . and maybe topped off with a jelly of God’s appreciation when we apply ourselves to use these spiritually-inspired gifts.

Do we enjoy dessert?  Most of us do – and some always eat it first at a meal!  We might liken the whipped cream on top of that triple-decker chocolate sundae, to God’s gift of Heaven for those who believe.  It is the zenith of the sundae and the highest offering of God’s feast, and it is eternal.  The merry heart in God always has the assurance of the whipped cream never running out!

Well, we may be a little fanciful here.  But the scripture does say a merry heart has this feasting going on.  And this holy banquet is totally a gift:  no preparation necessary on our part.  Lord, thank You for the continual feast of Your gifts.  Help us to offer them to others in life-and-death struggles to help them feast on You and Your plans for them.

Topics:  Pray for others who are struggling to learn of God’s great feast of His gifts for those who trust Him.
United Nations delegates to be Pro-Life

Posted by Gail Richardson on 03/04 at 07:40 AM
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