Pro-Life Unity

§ Life Principles

All innocent human life is sacred, born or unborn, with or without birth defects. Innocent life must always be protected from scientific and medical research.

Our Mission

First of all, let’s remember what this is all for. Around 50 million human beings have been killed by abortion in the United States since 1973. Almost 4,000 a day join them. Do you believe the following?

> I am involved in the Pro-Life movement and want to help save the unborn and defend the defenseless

> I am willing to do whatever it takes to contribute to the effort

> If there is a local picket or Call for Life, I participate and let others know about it

> If I can donate I will help out as much as I can

> We must unite and help each other help the unborn

If you agree with all or most of those items, then you are among the millions of us who know that we must do all we can to end abortion and challenge the culture of death. If we put our voices, emails and hands together, we will be louder and stronger with our Pro-Life Unity.

What is

We are a “United Call to Action” site which gives all Pro-Life entities the ability to get their Action Calls out to every other member of, and anyone else who is interested in helping save the unborn through direct action. The more members we have, the more your Action Call will be seen.

Through our united Pro-Life blogging, organizational and individual efforts we can help Pro-Life Calls to Action achieve greater results.

What do you have to do? Besides participating in Calls for Action when you can, not much really. We have set up this system so that it runs itself.

Here’s how it works:

1) .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to sign up and become a member of

  • You must agree with our Life Principles
  • - For website owners -

    2) Tell us that you own a website that you would like the Action Code on. You will receive an email with information and a single line of code that you put in your site that will automatically post the most recent Call for Action item on your site or blog. If we all put our United Calls for Life section in the same place, preferably in the upper-right or upper-left corner, everyone will automatically look there to see what the latest Action Call is.

    3) When you submit a United Call for Action on your site it will automatically post on the left side of the web site and on all member sites. As more members come on board our sites will update frequently with Action Calls. Only three recent Action Calls will be be listed so you don't have to worry about your site becoming overwhelmed.

    4) When visitors come to the site and see the Call for Action they will know that they should do something to help the unborn by participating in a Pro-Life organization Action Call or effort.

    5) On the left side we have the National and State Call for Action links so that you can find local and national Action Items.

    - For All Pro-Life People -

    Encourage everyone to post the Action Code. Watch the website for Action Calls, and participate in them whenever possible. One simple project that comes up every month on the first Friday, the Monthly Call for Life at All you have to do is call and/or Email your representatives and ecourage them to end abortion and oppose human-killing research. That's it!

    Go to for everything you need to know, like who to call, when to call and what you might want to say.

    How many people see the Pro-Life Action Calls every day? Almost 10,000! We want that number to reach 30,000 by the end of this year, so tell everyone you know about

    Become a part of Pro-Life unity. .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)