FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime ------
Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.
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§ Events
§ What is Pro-Life Unity?
To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.
§ Action Code
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§ Life Principles
Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
§ Logo
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See Bella the Movie - In Theatres Now
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Maryland Unites for Life Conference
Erik Dressel just spoke at the Maryland Unites for Life Conference, currently being held in Ellicot City, Maryland. He discussed the many issues facing the youth of today.
From DefendLife.org:
Can sexual abstinence until marriage be taught in public schools?
Yes, it can, and it is being taught in Baltimore County public schools, thanks to the efforts of Erik Dressel.
Dressel, a committed evangelical youth minister who coaches lacrosse at Perry Hall High School, was troubled as, year after year, he saw young students coming into the school being hurt through sexual activity.
"I could see the pain--it was very visible, especially on the girls' faces," he says.
Barbara Curtis is now speaking about her early life in the fast lane and her transition from pro-abortion, pagan, drug user, to responsible, caring, Christian mother of 12. Click here to read more about Barbara at MommyLife.net
Barbara said:
"The minute I accepted Christ, everything changed, it was though I was in a dark closet..."
Click here to go to her website
Mary Ann Kuharski is wrapping it up with her talk on Billboards Across America.
From ProLifeAcrossAmerica.org:
Since 1989 PROLIFE Across AMERICA's Media Mission is to reach out through Billboard, TV, radio and newspaper ads to people who may not be reached in any other way. Our ads create an "Atmosphere of Life" in a "culture of death."
Click here for more about the conference and other events of the day.
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Live Video Tonight - Pro-Life Leader Bobby Franklin
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Georgia - November Newsletter
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