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FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime


Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.



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To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

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Why a Parental Rights Amendment?

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Call again today! - 10/08/09 - Chicago Action Call - Stop the bubble zones!

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Fr. Jenkins at Notre Dame - “Drop the Charges”!!!

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Illinois FOCA Victory, For Now!

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New Stanek WND column, “Divine secrets of the political yo-yo sisterhood”


It's interesting to watch pro-aborts fight. They confine themselves to a war of words when picking on someone their own size. No dismembering, no decapitating, how refreshing.

Right now they're engaged in a rarely seen public snarl over which Democrat presidential candidate to support. This will likely stop after they pick a nominee, so the pack can resume attacking the Republican.

Meanwhile, the rift is revealing....

The grumpy old feminists, who for half a century have been decrying sexism, are herding around Hillary because she's a woman, the epitome of chauvinism.

There are reports lesbians are also flocking to Hillary, but I've thought for some time grumpy old feminists and lesbians were one and the same. The president and vice president of NOW in my state are live-in lesbian lovers, for instance. So that may not be news.

On Obama's side we have....

Continue reading my column today, "Divine secrets of the political yo-yo sisterhood," on WorldNetDaily.com.

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Face the Truth Tour Chicago - July 7 Through July 14

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