Money Wasted in England
The United Kingdom (England) LifeLeague - Points to examples of how money spent on sex education, morning after pills, health "strategies" in England and Scotland has been wasted.
The Daily Mail shows how the abortion rate in England has shot up despite the government having spent hundreds of millions of dollars on sex education, and making condoms and the morning after pill more available.
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Posted by Turnstile at 05:23 AM.
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England •
Scotland • reports that seven Democrats "have asked President Bush to rescind his appointment of Dr. Eric Keroack as the new head of the family planning programs at the health department".
Their reason for this request is because Dr. Keroack is the medical director for a Massachusetts crisis pregnancy center. Crisis pregnancy centers are run by Pro-Life advocates. The centers provide support and options for a pregnant mother other than killing her child.
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Posted by Turnstile at 01:25 AM.
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