Contact: Jenny Hodges, Pro-Life Unity, 404-435-8852,
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ATLANTA, Jan 8th /Christian Newswire/ -- Pro-Life Unity is sponsoring the Let Them Live Rally at the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta on Monday, Jan. 14, 2008 in support of Georgia's Human Life Amendment, HR 536.
January 14, 2008 marks the opening session of Georgia's legislative season. Pro-Life Unity is committed to insure that Georgia's Human Life Amendment receives the highest priority on the legislative calendar.
Jenny Hodges, a Georgia resident and National Director of Pro-Life Unity says that abortion is racist. She quotes Margaret Sanger who said "We don't want the word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population." Hodges added "We have waited too long for Congress to deal with the faulty interpretation of Constitutional Law that has brought us the wholesale slaughter of Americans, which is now a billion dollar industry."
The Let Them Live Rally will feature a broad spectrum of state and national speakers and Pro-Life representatives, including Presidential Candidate Alan Keyes, Dr. Johnny Hunter, Michael Peroutka, Rev. Philip L. (Flip) Benham, Pastor William F. Brown, Elder William E. Jones I, Troy Newman, Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson, Alveda King, Dean Nelson, State Representative Melvin J. Everson, Peter Shinn, Jenny Hodges, GA State Representative Martin Scott, Randi St. Denis and Eric Scheidler.
Presidential candidate Ron Paul who has emerged as a beacon for states' rights and individual liberty has been invited to speak as well. "We pray that Ron Paul will join us and promote his Pro-Life efforts" said Peter Shinn, President of Pro-Life Unity. Shinn added "It is time for Pro-Life groups around the world to unite and speak out as one. We may not agree on everything, but most likely we agree that abortion is wrong, and that other issues, such as embryonic stem cell research, cloning, gender selection and human killing research must end. More can be accomplished with Pro-Life unity then without, though we have to figure out how to unite without compromising important values".
The Pro-Life Unity Let Them Live Rally will be held at the Georgia Capitol in Atlanta on Monday, Jan. 14th, 2008, from 10am-3pm.
For more information go to, email
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Posted by Turnstile at 07:01 PM.
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