October is Respect Life month.
October is also Breast Cancer Awareness month.
They are compatible. Performing life-saving, ethical research for preventing and curing breast cancer is an honorable thing to do. We all are reminded of cancer prevention and research from all the pink ribbons representing the Susan G. Komen for the Cure foundation.
But when well-meaning people give to Komen, where exactly is the money funneled? One would think that the money would go solely towards helping women. The sad truth is that it doesn’t. In fact, it ultimately paves the way for more cases of breast cancer and more women dying.
This is because Susan G. Komen for the Cure gives large portions of their money to Planned Parenthood, the biggest abortion provider in the United States. In an open letter this year, Komen claimed that all of their donations to Planned Parenthood are used for breast exams and not for abortions. However, according to Life Issues Institute, abortions were on the rise after Komen began donating to them: “According to Planned Parenthood’s 2003-2004 Annual Report, abortions increased by 14,000 in 2002-2003, while breast exams decreased by more than 141,000.†(http://www.lifeissues.org/AbortionBreastcancer/komen/fact_sheet.pdf) In 2008, Komen gave almost $805,000 to Planned Parenthood. In five years, over $3 million dollars have been donated by Komen to the abortion machine. (Sources: http://www.LifeIssues.org and http://www.komen.org) Komen also denies the link between abortion and breast cancer. Is that not telling?
Another chilling fact brought forth by Life Issues is that several Komen Board and staff members are or have been personally associated with Planned Parenthood. Some roles include being on the advisory board of the Dallas Planned Parenthood, personally donating money, and even being formerly employed by Planned Parenthood.
A pro-abortion friend from college would always try to emphasize the fact that Planned Parenthood provides other services besides abortion and contraception. I acknowledge that they do perform legitimate services, such as breast exams. But that does NOT wipe away or even decrease the fact that Planned Parenthood has killed millions of children since its inception! It does NOT make it okay that the founder, Margaret Sanger, was a eugenicist and a racist who wanted to eliminate the black community by abortion and contraception. And I know that no pro-lifer would EVER give money to Planned Parenthood, even if the money were going towards a legitimate medical procedure. Why? Because of the whole persona of the organization; because of what their REAL agenda is: killing babies. The truth is that women can go elsewhere for life-saving, low-cost treatment for things such as cancer.
So even though October is drawing to a close, you can still take action by asking Komen to rescind their funding of Planned Parenthood and to refrain from donating to them. (They also support embryonic stem cell research.) The Komen foundation can be reached at 1-877-GO-KOMEN. You can also leave a comment on their website: http://www.komen.org To learn more about the abortion/breast cancer link, please visit: http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com We CAN help women fight this devastating disease while remaining true to our pro-life values.
Malori Fuchs
Posted by Malori Fuchs at 04:43 PM. Filed under: Columnists • Malori Fuchs • Commentary • Pro-Life Unity • Take Action! •