Prayer Pivot for Life

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Daily Scripture and Prayer

§Psalm 27:13: I am still confident of this: I will see the goodness of the LORD in the land of the living.§

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Happy Birthday Jesus!

Merry Christmas Everyone!

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I Cor. 13:1   Thought/Prayer: Clang Clang

Topics: 2 at end.

"If I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am become sounding brass or a clanging cymbal.” DBY (Read this scripture and more at

Do we stand outside an abortion clinic and clang cymbals? Do we, while in prayer in our houses, gong gongs loud enough that our neighbors hear? Do we get out a trumpet and play it brassily? Probably not. I hope not!

But this scripture bids us take a look at our heart attitudes toward the service we perform from our hearts. We should examine ourselves to see why it is that we do what we do. Is it out of love? If not, we might as well parade around all day with trumpets and accomplish nothing.

We are to see if we do or do not have love as a basis for service. Coronets and trombones can certainly call attention to their musicians a lot more than some person quietly serving with a heart of love. Not that we should not play coronets and trombones – they also certainly be the tools of love-based service.

But if we want to truly serve, we must rise up from our base of love, in whatever form we express that love, in service. Lord, help us today to serve out of love, whether we raise our voices and instruments to you in praise, or whether we quietly pray and then go help set up chairs for a pro-life prayer meeting.

Topics: Pray for God’s help in our lives in order that we may serve in love.
Rachel’s Vineyard abortion grief ministry

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Rest in Peace Bishop Jackson

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Isaiah 41:17-20   He Holds the Hose

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A Day for Prayer - October 4, 2020

Suggested for prayer:

Pray as you are led directly from God or from postings on and the Prayer Pivot for Life. Choose as led, any or all topics, events, groups, organizations, states, Pro-Life Action Calls, Prayer Action Calls, Peter and Patrizia Shinn and more. With information about what is going on “out there,” we can pray more knowledgeably and with focus. God hears from Heaven. He moves valiantly in Heaven and on Earth.

2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” KJV

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I Samuel 1:27 (Pt. 2)  Thought/Prayer:  Topics:  2 at the end

Hannah’s Fervency so Bitter

After Hannah was barren and beseeched the Lord for a child and was given Samuel, she tells Eli the priest: “For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: . . . .” KJV (Read this scripture and more at

Many, if not most, mothers pray for their preborn children. Or maybe we could say they even pray for their unborn children. Perhaps “preborn” could refer to babies already being carried in the womb; perhaps “unborn” could be children not yet even conceived, but that will be conceived at some time. However we would term it, women pray. Hannah prayed just to be given one child, and God gifted her.

The babies in the womb doomed for abortion are prayed for we know. They need to be lifted up to God for the sake of their lives. God knows each of those little souls, and many people, both men and women, pray for the babies’ physical lives. This can only bring us blessings. Perhaps it brings blessings to God also. Lord, we claim Hannah’s petition as she earnestly sought God. She sought Him so bitterly that she seemed to Eli to be overcome with too much wine. How often do we approach the throne of God with our requests this fervently? Many have, for babies unknown and whose parents are unknown. But God knows them.

Lord, may we be faithful to persevere for these little folks. Lord, help us to ask and ask of you their lives. We claim their lives in Your name.

Topics: Fervancy in our prayers for LIFE. Ask God to grant this, that we may never give up.
Pro-Life Action Network

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I Samuel 1:27   Thought/Prayer:  Pray, Petition.  Topics:  2 at end.

After Hannah was barren and beseeched the Lord for a child and was given Samuel, she tells Eli the priest: “For this child I prayed; and the LORD hath given me my petition which I asked of him: . . . .” KJV (Read this scripture and more at

I just signed a petition to bring to justice a situation involving pro-life interests. This reminded me of Hannah’s petition to the Lord to be given a child. A petition, of course, is a request. We read of them many times in the Bible. 1 John 5:15 tells us, “And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him. KJV

It is wonderful that the petition Hannah sent up to God resulted in a child. Prayer Pivot for Life is all about children – and also about the adults they grow to be and their stages of life. This scripture, the story of Hannah and her anguish at being barren is a wonderful inspiration for those of us in the pro-life battle. Lord, let us remember Hannah and your gift to her, Samuel the prophet, when we become discouraged and have great angst about the situation in our world regarding the cherishing of LIFE. Lord, encourage us with the birth of many many babies for whom death in the womb was planned. And, if possible, Lord, it would be wonderful if some of the news of these victories could be passed on to those of us who pray.

Topics: Conviction to petition God more for new life in the world, especially those who were destined for preborn death
Pregnancy Care Centers

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Job 38:11 Thought/Prayer:  Waves Upon the Shore.  Topics:  2 at end.

“And said, Hitherto shalt thou come, but no further: and here shall thy proud waves be stayed?” KJV (Read this scripture and more at

Ps. 74:17 tells us that God made the seasons. Here in Job we learn that he set the limits of the waves of the ocean. Is it possible that the waves that break upon the seashore do so in part because of the shallowness of the edge? They come against the lessening of the “deep” and are forced back in a foamy -protest, so to speak (beautiful it is). So much of our planet is water: if we did not have landforms to stop it, we’d all be living in a water world.

But God planned for the waves to not continue forever; and he planned for us to live on the land he created for us. And so it is with our lives. He has put into our Christian existence some pieces of land, some seashore, to stop us when we get into too much rolling along in our own power. He does not let us deluge ourselves if we are really trying to listen for His voice in our lives.

Lord, we thank you for placing some checks for us along the way, some ocean shore of Your limiting factors we often need when we’re willful and wayward. Help us to receive these guidelines graciously from You, especially in service, whether pro-life or otherwise.

Topics: That pro-life persons will be attuned to you, Lord, and be willing to live by your directions given to us.
Pro-Life News TV

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Psalm 74:17   Thought/Prayer:  No Matter the Weather.  Topics:  2 at end.

“Thou hast set all the borders of the earth: thou hast made summer and winter.”

Although it may be difficult at times, those of us who live in an area with large seasonal changes experience cold, heat, balmy days, spring-type days, wind, storms and on and on. These changes can perhaps make our lives more interesting because of the weather (and more challenging). And changes in our personal lives can also be either interesting or frightening.

But since we know that the “borders of the earth” and the seasons are set by God and orchestrated by Him, we can have confidence in living our lives, especially if we allow Him to guide us. For someone today praying in a hot climate, Lord, we ask for that person to be allowed a cool breeze. For someone praying in the “freezer” of weather, we pray for a warm fire or a space heater. Lord, we ask that whether in comfort or discomfort, those who are praying for mothers / dads / grandparents /babies and more will in spite of their surroundings, be diligent to seek Your will.

Topics: Pray for fortitude in prayer for all Christians.
Pro-Life Unity Calendar

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A Day for Prayer   September 11, 2020

Suggested for prayer:

Pray for the families and victims of 9/11 and that America never lets her guard down.

As Christians and Conservatives are oppressed more and more in America and around the world, pray that those opposing us reduce their hatred for us. Also pray we don't allow ourselves to go quietly into the night.We must defend ourselves from those who wish do us harm.

We are peaceful people, but we can't allow what happened to Aaron J. Danielson to happen to us.Aaron was executed in cold blood just because he was a Christian patriot, part of a patriot prayer group who carry no weapons.Pray for Aaron and his family.

Pray as you are led directly from God or from postings on and the Prayer Pivot for Life. Choose as led, any or all topics, events, groups, organizations, states, Pro-Life Action Calls, Prayer Action Calls, Peter and Patrizia Shinn and more. With information about what is going on “out there,” we can pray more knowledgeably and with focus. God hears from Heaven. He moves valiantly in Heaven and on Earth.

2 Chronicles 7:14
“If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.” KJV

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