Prayer Pivot Pro-Life Unity

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§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.

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Sign up to pray


§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

§ Volunteer Form

Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you


Psalm 73:25 Thought/Prayer:  Jesus, Only Jesus.  Topics:  2 at end.

“Whom have I in heaven but thee?
And there is nothing upon earth that I desire besides thee.”

If these words can only be true in the lives of Christians, in my life and yours, 24/7, 12/365.  If these words can be claimed by people fighting for themselves, and others, for the right to live, perhaps our victories and testimonies of victory would abound above all expectations.
I certainly fall short here – far short of the mark of desiring nothing but my Lord.  I crash and fall.  And only by His mercy, I do not burn.

If I (and you) were to truly want nothing but Jesus and His will and plans for our lives, we could stand in victory over all cultures that go against Him, in victory over the culture of death. To want only Jesus is to want only what He wants and desires.  His life in us can permeate from the inside out because we’re so connected that His thoughts of Him become His thoughts in us.

Pray today for anyone who desires to see LIFE triumph, to come to desire only our Lord.

Topics:  Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict many in Washington, D.C., to seek for Jesus and His will.

Pray for the Holy Spirit to convict all in the pro-life movement to put Him first, desiring only Him in this world.

Posted by Gail Richardson on 08/31 at 07:00 PM
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