Prayer Pivot Pro-Life Unity
§ Join The Worldwide Prayer Pivot
§ Links§ What is Pro-Life Unity?
To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.
§ Action Code
Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.
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§ Life Principles
Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
§ Volunteer Form
Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you
Song of Solomon 2:4 Thought/Prayer: A Banner of Love. Topics: 2 at end.
“He brought me to the banquet hall. His banner over me is love.†(WEB) (Read these scriptures and more at
IIn the Song of Solomon, with its main theme of love, is often interpreted on two levels: That of physical love between two lovers – and also the spiritual relationship between Christ and His bride, the church. Christ loves the church (formed of believers worldwide) with the love of a groom for his bride.
Here, the lady says of her lover, “He brought me to the banquet hall. His banner over me is love.†And it is true. Christ places a banner over those who claim Him as Savior. We enter the courts of God with His protective banner above us. We enter His courts under a banner of protective love, not a banner of war or conquest. His banner heralds His cover over us. Throughout our lives.
Imagine, if a groom were to bring His wife into a banquet hall, and there were attendants standing by, they might be instructed to carry a banner over her head. And a groom might choose the word “LOVE†to announce to all that his protection is based on love, his love for his bride.
So it is with Christ’s love for His bride, the church of all true believers. We praise Him for this. As we walk through our days, our Lord’s banner proclaims His ownership of us and His will toward us.
For someone doubting God’s blessings in their lives, a scripture such as this might be heartening. If there are LIFE issues at stake, knowing that God’s banner covers us – even those in deep issues of life – may be an encouragement. We must share.
Topics: Pray that those who need to know of Christ’s banner of love will be led to someone who can share all about it with them, and pray that this will be a great encouragement.
United States representatives to Congress, from all the states