§ Volunteer Form

Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn, and then connect you with either our efforts or other efforts near you

§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.

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§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

Accepting Abortion

I believe many people, Conservatives and Republicans included, don’t understand human life.  Liberals/Democrats want the right to kill all unborn life while many others want the availability of abortion to kill unwanted or damaged children in the womb.  It just seems like there has to be something fundamentally missing from people who accept any form of child-killing.  It’s as if they live on another planet, one that allows killing people without remorse, under certain circumstances.

Just the thought of killing an innocent child in the womb should elicit fear, fright, horror and anger.  The average person should be so repulsed by the idea of a “doctor” ripping a child from the womb that they would rise up with determination to end this senseless slaughter.  Unfortunately, this isn’t the case.  In his book Abuse of Discretion, Clarke D. Forsythe says:

The United States is an outlier when it comes to the scope of the abortion “right.” The United States is one of approximately ten nations (of 195) that allow abortion after fourteen weeks of gestation. The others are: Canada, China, Great Britain, North Korea, the Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden, Western Australia, and Vietnam. When it comes to allowing abortion for any reason after viability, however, the United States is joined only by Canada, North Korea, and China. The United States got into this situation because after the second round of arguments in Roe and Doe, the Justices abruptly decided to expand the abortion right they were creating to fetal viability—and then beyond. For forty years, this abrupt decision has had profound implications for late-term abortions, live-birth abortions, and women’s health.

I never could have imagined that America, a country I always believed to be one of the greatest in the world, is responsible for allowing abortion after “viability.”  To think that we allow “doctors” to disassemble children inside of the womb of the mother is just frightening.

At the foundation of this country, Americans fought in opposition to a 2% sales tax.  Family killed family and neighbors against neighbors, a country torn apart through death and destruction, and all of this for a 2% tax.  Yes, I know, I oversimplify.  Obviously there was more to this, like freedom, personal rights and a right to worship God in our way, not the King’s, but at the core of it all, the fight was to oppose taxation without representation.

Today, people are trying to ban our ability to fight a robber who is in our house who might kill us, and those same people who fight to defend murderers fight to defend the abortion “doctors” who murder 3,500 babies in America every single day, where they should be most protected, a mother’s womb.

Years ago, a man would shoot another man if he wore a red coat.  Today, men and women won’t even make a phone call to save people from abortion.  Most people have accepted abortion as the new normal.  Most people will complain about it, yet do nothing to end it.  They are just as guilty as the people who want abortion for any reason.  During the days of Nazi Germany, at least those people had to be afraid they were going to be killed if they spoke up for the Jews.  So-called pro-life people who do little or nothing for the preborn have nothing to be afraid of, except perhaps their friends accusing them of hanging out with crazy pro-life people.

There is something to be said for guilt.  I don’t like to quote Wikipedia because they are pro-abortion, but in this case, their definition of guilt says it all.

Guilt (emotion) is an emotion that occurs when a person believes that they have violated a moral standard that they themselves believe in

People should feel guilty when they do nothing to end abortion.  Donating money is helpful, but in the end, their voices and their action are needed.  Imagine if everyone donated to the soldiers to fight the revolutionary war yet nobody picked up a rifle?  In the war for America, not everyone had to or could pick up a rifle.  In the war for the preborn everyone can speak and take action!

Do you accept abortion or do you fight to end it?  I pray your guilt, something provided by God to us to know right from wrong, will help you do the right thing.  If you don’t donate, start doing so.  If you aren’t involved in some way, get involved.  Check out my websites below to see how you can take a stand for the preborn, right now!

Peter Shinn
Pro-Life Unity
United we Stand ~ Divided they Die

Chairman & Director
Cherish Life Ministries
A Call to The Church


Posted by Turnstile on 10/14 at 07:24 PM
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