§ Volunteer Form
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§ What is Pro-Life Unity?
To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.
§ Action Code
Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.
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§ Life Principles
Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
Pro-Life Unity Radio Archives
The weekly broadcast of Pro-Life Unity Radio takes place every Wednesday from 4 - 4:45 pm Eastern. Click here for more information on the show & our anchors.
All shows feature the three co-hosts, Peter Shinn, Michael Hargadon and Michael Crone. Listed along with each segment is the guest or person with the primary topic of that segment.
Click here to go to Eyeblast.tv and listen to and view these and many other audio and video interviews at the Pro-Life Unity Media and Radio Channel. Click here to go to our video page at Pro-Life Unity.
All Wednesday Blogtalkradio archives can be listened to at Blogtalkradio
Here are some links to some of our recorded shows with various guests & co-hosts
Pro-Life Unity Radio - 11/11/09 Pro-Life Guys Broadcast with Shelley Allsup and Peter Shinn - Guest Douglas R. Scott from Life Decisions International
Pro-Life Unity Radio - 11/07/09 Broadcast
The show was mostly focused on the conclusion of the congressional health care debate. Guest Richard Poe joined in for that discussion and lent his insights into the Catholic Campaign for Human Development, Acorn, Saul Alinsky, and George Soros.
Pro-Life Unity Radio - 11/07/09 on Eyeblast.tv
Pro-Life Unity Radio - 10/31/09 Broadcast
How do you feel about the use of images and pictures to raise awareness about abortion? Are you happy with the idea that pro-life pregnancy centers could be forced to post a disclaimer that they are not the place to go if you want abortion to be an option? Did you know that some anti-wrinkle creams contain aborted tissue?
These and other things are raised and discussed in this show. The discussion is joined by Pastor Johnny Hunter, a call-in from outside of a clinic, and various other callers who lit up the lines towards the second half of the show.
Pro-Life Unity Radio - 10/31/2009
Interview with Matthew Krause from the Liberty Council - Do you want to pay for abortions? We talk about this and more!
Is The IRS Investigating Churches Who Speak Out Against Obama? Do churches have to be quiet on Sunday when it comes to politics?
Shelly Allsup and Peter Shinn talk to Bob Unruh about the fear that churches have of being investigated by the IRS. Bob Wrote an article titled “Dozens of pastors challenge IRS rules” in September - where dozens of pastors around the country challenged the IRS rules.
Click the play button below to listen to this interview with Bob Unruh.
Pro-Life Unity Radio - 10/03/09 Broadcast
Do you understand the ethics of embryonic stem cell research and vaccines? How about the swine flu vaccine? Is it ethical or safe?
This show addresses issues across the board from Stem Cell Research to the Swine Flu. Peter, Mike, and MT are all in with guests Fr. Tad Pacholczyk and Maria H. Chang, PhD on the first and second half of the show respectively. Enjoy, and to quote Mike Crone, “join the conversation.”
We apologize for the first 1.5 minutes where another channel is playing in the background. Get through it though, this is one great show!
Pro-Life Unity Radio - 09/19/09 Broadcast
This show features discussions ranging from G.A.P. to how to convey your Pro-Life stance to the wisdom of children. It features all three familiar voices along with guests & call-ins from Timothy Goddard, Shelly Allsup, and more.
August 22, 2009
PLU Radio 08/22/09 - Michael (MT) Hargadon and Peter Shinn talk to Tom Hoefling from America’s Independence Party and Butch Verrando, President Tea Party Solution Inc. Are all the conservative parties the same? I think after this spirited debate you will see they aren’t!
July 4th
Segment 1 - Michael (MT) Hargadon, Michael Crone and Peter Shinn talk about Life and Liberty in this 1st segment of the July 4th show.
Segment 2 - John Orlando from the Maryland Republican Liberty Caucus talks about the Republican Liberty Caucus and their stance on life.
Segment 3 - Final segment discussing LIFE and LIBERTY with John Orlando from the Maryland Republican Liberty Caucus
Segment 4 - Why do we (Barack Obama) encourage Iran to develop nuclear power while forbidding the same in America? How about oil exploration?
Segment 5 - We discuss how George Tiller, the abortionist who was shot last month wasn’t “non-violent” and also discussed what pro-life people can do to help end abortion.
Segment 6 - In this segment we talk with Jenny Hodges, National Director for Pro-Life Unity and Campaign Manager for Ray McBerry, candidate for Governor of Georgia. She shares with us why it is important for candidates to be outspoken in their pro-life stance.
June 09
06/13/09 Show (10 minutes) - Cicilia Brown, president of PLAGAL (Pro-Life Alliance of Gays and Lesbians) argues for her right to carry a PLAGAL banner at the March for Life in Washington D.C..
06/06/09 Show (1.45 hours) - Daria Monroe is the guest & talks her Pro-Life efforts in Florida. Other topics included Tiller’s death, the Monthly Call for Life and more!
May 09
05/23/09 - Segment 2 - Peter Shinn discussing his Notre Dame trip while Obama was being “honored”
05/23/09 - Segment 1 - John Kotmair - Founder of Liberty Works Radio Network
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