§ Volunteer Form

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§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

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§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

How We Have Used the Ten Commandments to Raise 15 Children

by Charles F. Wysong, Jr., President, American Rights Coalition, 800-634-2224


Brenda and I rejoice in the blessings of a large family.  We have fifteen children—no adoptions, no twins.  We are now 25 strong.  It is our privilege to raise children to love and serve God.  Psalm 127:5, “Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them” is true today as it was the day God inspired it to be written.

Before we were married, we made two important decisions.  One, Brenda would not work outside our home after we had children, and second we would do nothing to prevent the conception of children.  We wanted to obey the command to “present your bodies a living sacrifice” Romans 12:1, and leave the number of children we had to God’s wisdom.  It is by faith that we have trusted that He will not test us above what we can bear — and He has not.

We have raised our children using the Ten Commandments.  In Deuteronomy 11:18-21 God promises us, as parents, that our days and the days of our children would be “as the days of heaven upon the earth,” if we would do these three things:

1. Meditate on and follow God’s law ourselves,
2. Teach His law to our children daily, and,
3. Display His law, specifically, the Ten Commandments, in our home.

One day I looked back on the failures of my home, and I realized that we didn’t have a copy of the Ten Commandments displayed in our home, we were not teaching them to our children on a daily basis, and Brenda and I were not meditating on them.  We were not doing even one of the three things that God said we were to do to have a home that was “like heaven on earth.”


Mr. Wysong pioneered the effort to help women sue abortion clinics for malpractice.  Since beginning this effort, the number of abortion clinics nationwide has dropped from 2000 in 1986 to fewer than 750 in 2007.  If you would like to talk to him about this program, or you have an abortion problem, or want to schedule him to speak, call him at 1-800-634-2224.  Or write him at: American Rights Coalition, P.O. Box 22188, Chattanooga, Tennessee 37422.

Posted by Margarita on 05/14 at 08:30 PM

Why We Have Yet to End Abortion

Why We Have Yet to End Abortion
by Charles F. Wysong, Jr., President, American Rights Coalition, 800-634-2224

“Also in thy skirts is found the blood of the souls of the poor innocents.”  Jeremiah 2:34

For more than 20 years I have fought abortion.  In 1986, God allowed me to pioneer the Abortion Malpractice Effort.  “Abortion may be legal but malpractice is not!”  Abortion has two victims: one dead, one wounded.  In 1986 we began playing offense.  Hundreds of women have sued abortion clinics for malpractice.  The number of abortion clinics in this country has dropped from 2,000 in 1986 to fewer than 750 at the end of 2007.

But at the same time, every baby that could have been aborted in 1973 after the Roe v. Wade decision can still be aborted in 2007.  The only difference is today’s methods are more barbaric.

It is time to ask: Why, as God’s people, have we made so little progress against such an obviously sinful practice?  I would offer three reasons.

1. There is little prayer—public or private.  In most churches, if public prayer is made at all from the pulpit, it is once a year on Sanctity of Life Sunday.  And further, congregations are not encouraged nor exhorted to spend time in earnest, private prayer.  “…ye have not, because ye ask not.” James 4:2

2. There is little knowledge of God’s law. “They that forsake the law praise the wicked, but such as keep the law contend with them.” Prov. 28:4   We are unfit to contend with the “Goliath of Abortion” when not even 1% of Christians who regularly attend church can name all ten of the Commandments.

3. As God’s people, we have yet to repent of our own abortions. I am talking about deacons taking their daughters to abortion clinics. I am also taking about the widespread use of IUDs and birth control pills among Christian married couples. Both contraceptive devices work at least part of the time by aborting a newly conceived baby at a week to two weeks after conception.  A beam is in our own eye!

On April 26, 1989 the U.S. Supreme Court heard the Webster Case.  The State of Missouri had passed a law that said, “Life begins at conception.”  Frank Sussman the attorney for the abortion industry said if Missouri were allowed to have a law that said that life begins at conception, then the Court would have to deal with certain forms of birth control.  He went on to say: “The most common forms . . . of contraception today—IUD’s, low-dose birth control pills, which are the safest type of birth control pills available—act as abortifacients.  They are correctly labeled as both.”  No reputable medical authority will dispute his statement! How is it, that an ungodly attorney for the abortion industry, knows this information, and the church of Jesus Christ, which is supposed to have “the manifold wisdom of God,” doesn’t seem to know it?

“Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!  I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.  Ps 81:13-14

How did we come to this place of aborting our own children?  First, we made the assumption that God’s command at the Creation “Be fruitful, and multiply” did not apply to our generation. Second, we no longer saw children as the Lord’s blessing as stated in Psalm 127, 128 and elsewhere.  We seem to have forgotten that “the just shall live by faith;” and further forgotten that we are commanded to “Present your bodies a living sacrifice…which is your reasonable service.”  Until 1930 every Christian denomination declared birth control to be sin.  Today, a Christian couple going to the pastor of the typical Bible-preaching church will receive the same counsel about family size and birth control methods (with the exception of abortion) as they would if they had gone to the local director of Planned Parenthood.

When Moses came down from Mount Sinai, he saw the people dancing around the Golden Calf and said to Aaron, “What did this people unto thee that thou hast brought so great a sin upon them?”  And Aaron said… “Thou knowest the people that they are set on mischief.”  Similarly, pastors think that the people before them in their congregation have their hearts set on birth control.  They do not; they just don’t know Certainly there are some few who and will defend their right to practice birth control with the same vehemence that the godless defend abortion.  Abortionists see abortion as the most fundamental right in our Constitution and in the eyes of some worldly Christians; birth control is THE most fundamental Christian liberty. 

It is estimated that abortifacient birth control methods account for more than 13 million abortions a year.  Ten times the number of all the surgical abortions per year!!! 

My friend, you and I are among the watchmen on the wall (Ezekiel 3:17-21).  If we will not cry out and sound a warning to the flock, their blood, and the blood of the little children that they will spill, will be on our hands in the Judgment.  I know that many of you have never heard or even imagined the information that I have just given.  I would simply ask you to be like the Bereans; see if these things are so; if they are, obey God.  There is a well researched, free, downloadable book by author and pastor Randy Alcorn, Do Birth Control Pills Cause Abortions? @ http://www.epm.org/bcp.html.

Posted by Margarita on 05/14 at 07:45 PM

Greenness More Important Than Humanity?

The global warming issue leaves me cold. 

Don’t get me wrong.  I’m all for conservation, recycling and such.

But what’s the point of preserving the earth and its greenness for future inhabitants if humanity does not have the right to be born?

When did plant life grow to be more important than people?

Adam and Eve

Republican presidential hopeful Sen. John McCain’s new campaign advertisement “There’s a Better Way,” here on YouTube, touts his global warming credentials.  (Fortunately McCain also has decent pro-life credentials unlike either of his possible opponents, Democratic Senators Barack Obama or Hillary Clinton.)

“We have an obligation to future generations to take action and fix it [global warming],” says McCain in the closing of his new ad.

Still, we have a more pressing obligation to future generations.  First, we must fight for humanity’s right to be born. 

Read more of my posts on my website, http://www.mothermayibeborn.com

Posted by Marybeth Hagan on 05/13 at 01:40 PM
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Final Weekend of the 2008 ProLife Signature-Ad

I have just returned home with a Proof-Copy of the 2008 ProLife Signature-Ad Petition that will appear in the Wichita Eagle Newspaper on Mother’s Day.

First, I want to say “Thank You” to God for answering our prayers, that we would be able to print the Signature-Ad Petition, with all the signatures, as it should be!

Secondly, I want to say “Thank You” to those of you who sent in an extra financial donation, making it possible for us to do so.

It is so encouraging. that when the call for help went out, so many of you responded with a donation, that the web-server was unable to handle all the
traffic!  The donations ranged in size from $10 to $200.

Because of your generosity, we were able to bump the size of the ad’s publication up to a respectable ½ page vertical, at a cost of $6,383.35.

At this moment, we are still about $900 short of that amount; however, the sales person at the Wichita Eagle is holding the check until Monday, giving us this weekend to raise the $900.

If you have not already donated, and are able to help us with this last need related to the Mother’s Day Signature-Ad publication, please prayerfully consider doing so.  Click here to help put us over the top!

Mark Gietzen
Kansas Coalition for Life

Posted by Turnstile on 05/10 at 11:15 AM
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Over 100 people gathered to pray in front of the GA State Capitol for 7 hours!!

In the words of Bound4Life Atlanta Director, Cathy Coburn, "The purpose of this day was to stand in silent prayer before the doors of our justice system and plead the blood of Jesus. Because of the blood of Jesus, we can go before the throne of God and cry out for Mercy! Thank you for your blood Lord!" Following is her article about this incredible event!

During this Passover season, on Saturday April 26th Bound4LIFE and the Call mobilized Christians across America to gather at the supreme courts in all 50 states along with the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington, DC to pray!! Bound4Life and the Call are both international grassroots organizations that have been mobilizing the church to pray for many years. Bound4Life is most easily recognized by our prayer tool, the “Life Tape” that we wear as we pray silently in front of Abortion clinics and governmental buildings.

The Mercy Seat gathering in Atlanta, hosted by Bound4Life Atlanta and Bound4Life chapters across the state of Georgia, was a huge success and blessing! Over 100 people gathered to pray for the state of GA in front of the State Capitol for 7 hours!! You know that it is God when so many believers from many different backgrounds and denominations gather to pray and worship Jesus! The purpose of this day was to stand in silent prayer before the doors of our justice system and plead the blood of Jesus. Because of the blood of Jesus, we can go before the throne of God and cry out for Mercy! Thank you for your blood Lord! As I stood in front of the Georgia state capitol, I was amazed at the thought of thousands of others gathering to pray at the same time in every state. What did it look like as the Lord looked down on the earth? I pray that He was pleased with His children. We certainly felt the pleasure of God in Atlanta. We had an amazing time of prayer as we stood with LIFE tape, gathered in small groups, and also worshipped our Judge, our lover, and our friend Jesus.

My favorite part of the entire day was at the very end as we worshipped the Lord unhindered full of JOY dancing upon injustice. It was a beautiful sight as we danced all over the steps and the front of the capitol. It was truly an honor! We were also blessed to be joined by a key legislator who has been a voice in the GA General Assembly for LIFE. Thank you for all of you that joined us on this historic day!

Please feel free to e-mail us any impressions, prayers, or testimonies you received! Thank you Jesus for unifying your Bride! Have Mercy on us oh Lord! Have mercy! Bound4Life Atlanta holds a silent siege (silent prayer meeting) in front of the capitol twice per month. Check out the http://www.bound4lifeatlana.com for siege times and additional information. Thank you for your stand for LIFE. Bound4Life Atlanta stands will you in the CAUSE!

For the Cause,
Cathy Coburn
Bound4Life Atlanta Director

Posted by Margarita on 05/09 at 08:00 PM

Bound4Life Mercy Seat a Great Success

Over 100 Georgians stood together "in the gap" recently to pray for an end to abortion, for mercy and to plead the Blood of Jesus upon our state and nation as part of a powerful nationwide event, "The Mercy Seat". Make sure to check out the photos at http://bound4life.com/galleries/themercyseat!

On Saturday, April 26th, I had the great blessing of being able to participate in the Mercy Seat prayer event at the Capitol in downtown Atlanta.  It was an honor and privilege to pray and stand in the gap with so many of my brothers and sisters in the Lord, pleading the blood of Our Savior upon our legislative and justice systems, our whole state and the nation.  I was deeply moved by the intensity of the prayer - there was something so powerful about praying in silence for 7 hours (intersperced with some guided corporate prayer) with so many other believers. 

The suggested topics of meditation and prayers for each hour in the Prayer Guide were profoundly beautiful and inspired, focusing on the Passion of Our Lord and 7 key moments in which He shed His blood for us.  I plan to use this Prayer Guide often now while praying outside the prenatal murder centers around Metro Atlanta, pleading His blood upon them.  One of the most striking meditations in this Prayer Guide for me was the following:

Can you see yourself resting your head on Jesus’ chest like John did? Can you
hear his heartbeat? Shhhh–listen closely. What do you think is on his heart?
Today an estimated 50 million dreams of Heaven have been legally aborted in
America since 1973. Every baby in the womb first originated in the heart and
mind of God. How does the Father feel when His dreams are aborted? One
third of this generation has never had the chance to fulfill God’s purposes in
the earth.

As I meditated on Our Lord in the Garden of Gethsemane, the thought struck me that the wombs of abortion-minded mothers are new Gardens of Gethsemane in which Jesus unites Himself with these children, these eternal thoughts of His Father.  In the Garden, Jesus foresaw and awaited the pending betrayal by His friend and the horrendous suffering to follow.  In the wombs of these women today, Jesus holds these little ones as He foresees and awaits the final blow of betrayal by their own mothers and the horrendous suffering to follow.  He asks us, “Will you not watch one hour with me?”  Bound4Life provided such a powerful opportunity to answer this call of Our Lord.  I pray that I may be faithful in following His call to keep watch with Him in prayer and outreach at the centers of killing in our midst. 

The heat that day and hard concrete in front of the Capitol certainly made for a challenging 7 hours, but they also proved a blessing for me in helping me to enter more deeply into the Throne Room of prayer, past the barrier that the flesh can be.  As Jesus told the Apostles that night when He found them sleeping, “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak”.  It’s easy to fall asleep and begin to lose that spiritual connection with the babies, moms & dads that you can only get by “staying here and watching with (Him)” at the places of killing.  An event like Mercy Seat, in which the leaders had enough faith in us to ask us to stand, sit or kneel in silence in such harsh conditions for so many hours on behalf of the preborn and their parents and all who in some way condone or ignore this great evil, was a highly effective spiritual tool for disciplining the flesh, submitting it more & more to the dominion of Christ, so that we can be strengthened in our will to endure the hardship of continuing to go out to pray and sidewalk counsel at the mills, courthouses & Capitol as often as possible and in our homes and/or churches daily. 

In these times that we live, I believe it is of utmost importance that we all stay close to each other in prayer, gathered around Our One Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, in the Garden, watching and praying for one another intently.  May we have many more events like The Mercy Seat! 

As Cathy mentions in her article above, the dancing in the Spirit at the end of our 7 hours was absolutely beautiful and a joy to the spirit—- seeing so many young people dancing in front of the Capitol - dancing in the triumph already won by Jesus over death and injustice - was a powerful witness to drivers going by to the JOY true believers have in Christ, our Victor and LIFE! 

Lastly, it was a great encouragement to have one of our state legislators praying with us!  I hope that many more will follow suit at future prayer events. 

I highly urge you to check out the Bound4Life website:  http://www.bound4lifeatlana.com, and here’s a link to The Mercy Seat website while it’s still up: http://bound4life.com/themercyseat/.  You can download the Prayer Guide here: http://bound4life.com/images/mercyseat/PrayerGuide.pdf 

Posted by Margarita on 05/09 at 06:02 PM

Vitae Caring Foundation’s Bottom Line

Carl Landwehr, founder and president of the Vitae Caring Foundation, saw a need for a way to reach more people concerning abortion.  So he filled it with his foundation.

Vitae Caring Foundation

“You’ve got to tell the story,” Landwehr said to a group of pro-life supporters in West Chester, Pa., last Saturday evening.  The mass media was a natural fit, he said, because “advertising changes the way people think and the way people behave.”

To ensure effective—life saving—advertising,  the Vitae Caring Foundation invested in research that helped group members “learn how to speak to pregnant women,” said Landwehr.  They also realized that “one message does not fit all,” that addressing abortion “was more complicated than sharing information.”

The group’s goal is to encourage pregnant women with unplanned pregnancies, who “feel alone and desperate,” to turn to pregnancy centers for help, Landwehr said.  There’s no “finger pointing, no relying for help from legislators or the president,” simply a Vitae bottom line that says “I saved a life.”

Vitae takes its ads into the toughest markets, places with skyrocketing abortion rates.  It counts successes, saved lives or lower abortion rates, in New York City, Dallas and Atlanta, among other areas, said Landwehr.

The powerful, award-winning ads, here, speak for themselves.

Advertising is expensive.  In order to keep those commercials coming, the Vitae Caring Foundation would welcome your support.

Read more of my posts, here:  http://www.mothermayibeborn.com


Posted by Marybeth Hagan on 05/09 at 10:49 AM
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Student Forced to Remove Pro-Life Abortion T-Shirt

This is a guest post by The Diva.  The script was written by The Diva of the Penta-Posse.  Really.

The Talent on screen, The Diva ; Camera-Direction, The Dude;
Grip #1, T-shirt, clapper, The Dancer;
Grip #2 ALL paper, Baby-Boo 
  My name is Helena Yoest, and I was harassed by the principal of my school because of a shirt.

Ok, so I went to class, just like a regular school day, I had the shirt on, no one was offended or anything by it.

Then my teacher- Mr. Young- says “Mrs. Schaffner wants to see you”

I walk over to her in the hall, she was talking to some other teachers with one or two students flocking around her.

Mrs. Schaffner stops talking when she sees me, pulls me over to a corner, and says plainly

“you can’t wear the shirt”

Wow. 5 minutes into the day and I’ve been caught in this t-shirt. (I say sarcastically) Shoot.

I say very politely “may I go get something from my locker?”

Mrs.Shaffner says, “eh, yes.”

So I go down to my locker to get a piece of paper, it’s a magical piece of paper that gets me out of trouble.


National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day
  From the American Life League.

Actually, it states my civil rights and how I CAN wear the shirt, no harassment.

I hand over the letter and she hands me a t-shirt with the school name on it. Oh joy.

So I head to the bathroom to change and I hear her say, “were going to have to visit the principal about this.”

So there I am, in the principal’s office. Mrs. Annan (the principal) reads the letter Mrs. Shaffner is babbling about how they’ve never had this happen before, while Mrs. Annan is reading.

Mrs. Shaffner gets called away to do vice principal stuff and

Mrs. Annan pulls up a chair to sit beside me. “How do you know about this political issue?” she asks. “My mom” I say.

“What would you think if a kindergartner went up to you and asked you what it is?” she says pointing at my shirt.

“I would say ‘it’s where doctors and hospitals kill babies’”

You should’ve seen her face when I said that. “I just don’t want you to be uncomfortable.”

She leads me to a bathroom “you can turn it inside out, or you can change, whichever you want” so I change into this ew yucky t-shirt with the school name on it, so they would be happy and quit bothering me.

This is how it was in the classroom:

“Whydya change your t-shirt?” my classmates ask.

“She made me” I say, which isn’t stretching the truth.
I went to art, and my teacher came in the middle of it and said, “walk with me” so I walk with him and he says “you can change into your shirt now, or after art, what do you want?”

I changed after lunch.

Can you believe that?

The principal of an elementary school, pressured and manipulated a 5th grade student to do her wills.

The principal, of all people! Wow.



Growing, Growing…Gone
  Pro-Lifers today are the new Progressives.

Thank you (foot)notes:


The Penta-Posse L to R:  Baby-Boo, The Dancer,
The Diva, The Dude, The Dreamer
The Roe Effect
The American Life League sponsors the annual trouble-making event.  The Dude was also spoken to by school officials.  But no action was taken against him.  Not yet.

See the “magical piece of paper” from the American Life League.

What is The Roe Effect?


The Diva protesting at the Afghan Embassy, 2006
She is no stranger to controversy.

The Diva making phone calls for (I Like) Mike
at the Huckabee for President headquarters in Des Moines, Iowa
Video Credit: The Dreamer
  See The Dude’s post on the Abortion T-shirt at Panzer Commander.

This is a cross post from Reasoned Audacity.

Posted by Jack & Charmaine Yoest on 05/08 at 10:15 PM
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Lessons on Vitae from Judge Andrew Napolitano

The Vitae Caring Foundation’s fundraiser at the Iron Horse Farm in West Chester, Pa. this past Saturday night lived up to the group’s name.  It was a lively and lovely affair.

(Vitae puts the mass media to good use by educating the public via well-researched, effective advertising that promotes respect for human life.  Look for more on the foundation here on Thursday.)

Vitae Caring Foundation 

Fox News’ analyst Judge Andrew P. Napolitano, Vitae’s guest speaker, told several stories sprinkled with humor.  Yet, there was no joking in the judge’s lesson on the mindset that enabled passage of the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

Continue reading on my website: http://www.mothermayibeborn.com

Posted by Marybeth Hagan on 05/07 at 07:05 PM
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“Fatally Flawed” The Party, The Policies, The Candidates

    The Party - The Policies - The Candidates
    By Gerry M. Kaye

    Outspoken, former U.S. Democrat Zell Miller:
    “What has happened to the (Democrat)  party I’ve spent my life working in?”
    “Military shortages, Social Security crisis, and illegal immigration all linked to abortion.”....
    ... ....and “Abortion has contributed to the military’s manpower shortage, the
    Social Security crisis, and the flow of illegal immigrants into the United States. ... How could this great land of plenty produce
    too few people in the last 30 years? Here is the brutal truth that no one dares to mention:
    We’re too few because too many of our babies have been killed,” Miller said.
    “Former Democrat President Carter Condemns Abortion Culture”
    Former Pres. Jimmy Carter, while in Washington to promote a book, condemned all abortions and chastised his party for its intolerance of
    candidates and nominees who oppose abortion. “I have always thought it was not in the mainstream of the American public to be
    extremely liberal on many issues,” Mr. Carter said. “I think our party’s leaders - some of them - are overemphasizing the abortion issue.”
    “The ‘Audacity’ of Abortion Friendly Democrat Presidential Candidates”
    Political science Prof. Paul Kengor points to a larger question that both abortion friendly Dem. pres. hopefuls
    consistently avoid answering. There’s only one word to describe the mindset that would dare to legalize abortion,
    or defend the right to abortion, without answering “the difficult question of when life begins. Audacity!
    God help us if such audacity keeps passing for leadership. ... Article: http://www.gerrymkaye.org/fatallyflawed.html

Posted by Gerry Kaye on 05/07 at 03:51 PM
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