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§ What is Pro-Life Unity?
To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.
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§ Life Principles
Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
New Stanek WND column, “Barack Obama and the sex life of 12 year olds”
I'm not naïve. I know there are 12-year-olds in the world having sex. But it's not normal behavior. A 6th-grader seeking sex lives in a dysfunctional home. More likely she is being raped by an adult perpetrator. That's not what I say. That's what Planned Parenthood and Guttmacher Institute say:
The younger the mother, the greater the partner age gap.... Fathers are on average 9.8 years older than mothers 11 to 12 years of age.
I have never known or heard of a father, diligent or absentee, liberal or conservative, who pondered aloud that his 9-year-old daughter in three short years might have unprotected consensual sex, so we must make contraceptives and abortion available to her.
Such a father would be creepy, close to a pedophilia promoter.
Such a father would be Barack Obama, who indicated such at Sunday's Compassion Forum....
Continue reading my column today, "Obama and the sex life of 12 year olds," on WorldNetDaily.com.
With Pope Benedict XVI in Washington, D.C.
Wednesday April 16, 2008 was a special day in the nation’s capitol with the visit of Pope Benedict XVI to the White House. As good fortune would have it I was privileged to have been invited for the festivities. I should mention the fact that so were 12,000 other folks. We arrived at the southeast gate at 8:30 am only to be greeted by a very very long line and so many friends and comrades involved in the Pro-life movement over the last 35 years. The weather was beautiful ( I have to mention that because my mom always asks me about the weather) and the energy level throughout the crowd of dignitaries was quite elevated.
Once inside the White House grounds we made our way to the South Lawn and then waited for the actual ceremony.
After the formal presentation and the 21 gun salute followed by the respective anthems of the two nations, the president welcomed the pontiff. Pope Benedict hen spoke of the special place America has in the world and the importance of her role in defending and fostering freedom. He reminded us of the words of George Washington regarding religion and morality and the importance of respecting and protecting all human life especially from the moment of conception and that statement brought instant applause from the crowd.
All in all a very momentous day. Later after some meetings on the Hill, I attended an event sponsored by the National Council for Adoption in Arlington honoring heroes in the adoption movement and working to raise awareness on the importance of fostering a positive attitude in the country toward adoption. For more information click here.Until my next post, have a great day.
Video - Father Pavone Discusses The Reality Of Abortion
Father Pavone from Priests for Life discusses abortion procedures. You won't see the actual abortion, but the description is real enough. It's important for you to watch these. Father Pavone says:
"If we're going to talk about abortion in this country, let's make sure we know what we're talking about, and let's work to bring it to an end."
Click below to view the videos by Father Frank Pavone
Dialation and Evacuation Abortion
Suction Abortion
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Jesse Lee Peterson at the Let them Live Rally in Georgia
Jesse Lee Peterson of BOND spoke at the Pro-Life Unity Let Them Live rally in Atlanta, GA earlier this year. Pro-Life leaders flew in from around the country to support the Georgia Human Life Amendment HR 536.
Click here to continue reading and view the video interview with Jesse Lee Peterson at ProLifeNews.tv
National Pro-Life T-Shirt Day is April 29th
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“And, after all, what is a lie? ‘Tis but the truth in masquerade”
It is unfortunate that South Dakota’s first attempt at protecting life was shot down by National Right to Life—one of their board members is a Senator in S.D. and worked tirelessly to sabotage the legislation in the House committee process and then in the Senate. The idea to put it on a ballot was just to stall for more time. One of my friends, a leader of an Atlanta prolife organization, was in SD for three months and said that the NRLC people who went out there to campaign against the legislation were very open about stating- “If abortion is outlawed, where does that leave us?” The Thomas More Law Center has a very in depth report on the evil NRLC committed in regard to South Dakota’s legislation.
(Go to this link, and scroll down mid-page)
Now South Dakota, via Vote Yes for Life, is trying again, this time with exceptions: life of the mother, rape and incest.
We need to identify things that are harmful to our cause. To allow for any exceptions, to say that it is ok to kill the baby in certain cases, is not in accordance with scripture. See Duet. 24:16- Children are not to be put to death for the sins of their fathers. Also, Deut 24:17-18, children without fathers are to be protected from injustice by the entire society (that means you and me).
We are calling what is evil good when we accept any legislation that allows for the murder of innocent life. There is a way that seems right to man, but is an abomination to God. Our conscience has become hardened to evil.
Furthermore, we have entangled ourselves in false arguments. To say that prenatal murder is acceptable for the life of the mother is a false argument. Medically it has never, NEVER, been considered an abortion if medical intervention is used that saves the mother and ends in the death of the baby. But to intentionally kill the baby while trying not to harm the mother is certainly a horse of a different color. That is always and absolutely murder in every instance.
Ultimately, we must recognize that life and liberty are inextricably bound. If the civil government grants the right to life, they also grant the right to liberty. This is why our liberties and freedoms have been so completely eroded in this country. Babies in the womb cannot be murdered because the right to life is granted by God. Any legislation that gives to the civil government the right to grant or withhold that right is intrinsically evil.
We must come to see that God is not a big bowl of warm fuzzies. The Bible teaches us that God is a consuming fire, and that He hates the hands of those who shed innocent blood. Our God is a God who kills people, who brings forth horrific judgement on those who defile His land and His people. The judgement that befell the Jews in 70 A.D. was horrific. Jesus warned his disciples to be watchful of the times when this great judgement would befall God’s people who rejected and crucified our Christ. Reading through the Old and New Testament is a demonstration that God is a jealous God, and will not abide an evil people who claim to be His and then defile themselves by serving false gods and committing horrific crimes.
We have murdered over 50 million innocent Americans in only 35 years. Our children will inherit a country devastated by debt to foreign countries, an immense tax burden (we are one of the most taxed people on the planet), and bioethics that have reduced humanity to less than animals. We are legislated to the point of insanity (the Georgia House passed a bill on Friday allotting the same penalty as smoking a joint to selling marijuana flavored candy—flavored candy. We are not even allowed to drive in this state without our seat belt on). Our dollar is failing, and some countries are refusing payment for products in U.S. dollars. The Federal Reserve is a farce, debilitating our economy and stealing from the population through bogus banking practices and printing billions in “money” that is backed by nothing. And though Bush ran on a platform promising a non interventionist foreign policy, we are entrenched in a war that is bleeding our already financially wounded country dry.
We are in a time of judgement because God’s people continue to call what is evil good. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways and call on Me, then I will hear them.”
To accept any legislation that says it is all right to kill innocent life in some cases is evil. It is calling what is evil good. A half truth is not a truth.
” And, after all, what is a lie? ’ Tis but the truth in masquerade.” Lord Byron
Let us not shirk in our duty or faint in the way, but demand that which is ours to have: God given Life and Liberty. We have only to reach out our hand and take it! If God is before us, who can be against us? If only we could see the power that is within our grasp! Was it not Elisha who stood boldly against the army of the King of Aram? Elisha prayed for the eyes of his fearful servant to be opened and his servant beheld the hills full of horses and chariots of fire ready to protect Elisha (2 Kings 6). If only our eyes would be unveiled in order that we would stand firm and fast and resolute in this urgent time.
If ever a day came to stand without compromise and with unbending determination, brothers & sisters, that day is upon us. As Washington urged his men when failure loomed large and the light of hope was growing dim, “Today let us fight not for ourselves nor for our families, but for the millions of unborn Americans who will come after us.”
The Duty is Ours, The Outcome is God’s.
For Life & Liberty, Jenny
Vaccinations: A Successful Story of Profit
Pharmaceutical companies today have it made. Their lobbyists are really the most successful in the country. Think about it. Pharmaceutical companies have their products mandated by the civil governments of all 50 states in the form of vaccinations. Tax dollars are alloted to vaccinate children who otherwise couldn’t afford it. So your money is used to buy their product for other children. Furthermore, many states and even federal law has granted immunity to these companies in the event that their products cause serious health problems or death. Consider the fact that the pharmaceutical company Eli Lily was granted immunity in the Homeland Security Act for their mercury laced vaccines. It certainly doesn’t hurt that many of our elected civil government officials own stock or receive large campaign donations from these successful companies. Even better, pharmaceutical companies go into medical schools and educate their best salesmen, doctors, how to sell the product to the consumer. Doctors have become the middle man.
What’s not to like?
Unfortunately, Pharmaceutical companies do not have the benefit of a free market, in which the parents of damaged children can sue for financial compensation for injuries—this would cause some of these companies to go under completely, and we wouldn’t have to worry about them anymore. But the civil government stepped in to help them out with our tax dollars. The agency: The National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program. Did anyone catch what happened? Instead of making pharmaceutical companies pay damages, our benevolent government is forcing us, the consumer, to pay the damages by using our tax dollars! Thus far, over 800 million dollars have been paid out for injuries.
I state all of the above to demonstrate that you should be very cautious about stepping into the vaccination cycle with your most precious possession: your children. The deck is stacked against the consumer from the beginning.
Vaccines today have many hidden dangers. First and foremost, the chicken pox vaccine is created using aborted fetal tissue cell lines. Chicken pox along with polio and hepatitis are now only available this way. Many of the other childhood vaccines are also created using aborted fetal tissue cell lines, but you can at least request vaccines made from monkey kidney tissue or chicken embryo cells. Check the preservatives! And also check the health risks of the vaccines. The whooping cough vaccine (pertussis) is 100x more dangerous than contracting pertussis. Weigh the risk of the vaccine against the risk of the disease. And don’t let your pediatrician lump together vaccines. Each vaccine can be bought individually, so you are not forced to vaccinate for DPT if all you want is the P (pertussis).
SIDS is directly related to vaccines. Consider that more than 3,000 infants die yearly in the U.S. within 4 days of receiving a vaccination. In the 70’s, Japan raised the immunization age from 2 months to 2 years, and their SIDS rate dropped immediately and drastically.
Furthermore, the risk of autism amongst vaccinated children is now projected to be 1 in 66. In the 1950’s the autism rate was less than 1 in 100,000!
Here are a couple very useful websites to aid you in your research.
The National Autism Association- this organization is run by parents. Here’s the website: http://www.nationalautismassociation.org
Whatever you decide to do with regard to managing your children’s healthcare, I hope that you will join me in calling on Georgia legislators to repeal all civil law regarding vaccinations. Pharmaceutical companies must operate within the built in safeguards of a free market. Vaccines are not the cure all panacea of our time. In fact, the evidence strongly suggests that vaccines, as they are currently manufactured, are debilitating our people. Vaccination is a liberty issue for the parents to control and decide. The civil government must step back.
For Life & Liberty, Jenny Hodges
Heading toward Nazi USA
It's bad enough that California is making homeschooling into a crime, but what they are doing to our youth through indoctrination and control is what is really criminal.
Liberal pro-abortion education authorities have allowed our daughters to kill their children through abortion anytime they want. To the NEA, the most important thing is making deals with Planned Parenthood & exploiting our children as much as possible.
No candy machines or unhealthy fattening food allowed, but here, take this patch to prevent pregnancy.
In an article titled “Maine Middle School May Drug 11 Year Old Girls with Birth Control Patches”, NaturalNews.com reports that:
“A middle school in Portland, Maine is considering a proposal to provide birth control pills and patches to students as young as 11 years old. King Middle School launched a reproductive health program after five of the 135 students who visited the school’s health center in 2006 reported being sexually active. The program already provides condoms to students, but the new proposal would expand this to include prescriptions for birth control pills and patches (which would then have to be purchased at a pharmacy).
The contraceptives could be dispensed without the knowledge of parents, although written permission would be required for children to receive (unspecified) services from the health center.”
I love the word “provide”. Do you think an 11 year old has the ability to make an important decision like taking a pill, one that is extremely dangerous & can cause problems like cancer, stroke, heart attacks & death? I don’t know about you, but I still have to tell my son that he’s eating too many Goldfish crackers.
We have lost control of our schools, the media and anything else controlled by liberal insanity. Our children are unsafe inside those indoctriation camps. Sound extreme? If you think so, you are either not in touch with reality or are in total denial.
The Nazis forced the public school system onto their citizens. Homeschooling was made illegal. They wanted to control everything. The same is happening in America. It’s so bad now, I don’t even think that Nazi Americans want their children in American public schools. Talk about irony.
Think I sound extreme? Our children can already can have abortions without our permission, anywhere, anytime. If they are allowed to kill their children, what limits do you think might be imposed on them?
Margaret Sanger, founder of Planned Parenthood believed in sex, & lots of it, just not for anyone whom she considered “feeble minded”. One of her famous quotes is “...we prefer the policy of immediate sterilization, of making sure that parenthood is ’ absolutely prohibited to the feeble-minded.”.
And how about this gem?
“We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population.”.
Who do you think controls sex education in the American schools? Planned Parenthood.
We have two choices:
1) Pull our kids out of the public school system
2) Fight back!
Well, there is a 3rd choice, we can pull our kids out as we fight back. That is what my family has chosen to do. What about you, what are you going to do?
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Tyranny wrapped in a bow and given as a gift.
From whom do our rights come? To whom are we enslaved? The answer is one and the same.
The civil government has granted the populace the “right” to healthcare. We are now enslaved to the type of healthcare the civil government provides. Vaccinations are a perfect example of this. Initially vaccinations were highly recommended to keep babies and young children safe from debilitating disease. Today vaccines are mandated by the civil government in all 50 states.
Vaccines are developed with one thing in mind: profit. So testing is not extensive enough and side effects are largely ignored. Thus, civil goverment grants immunity to pharmaceutical companies from families who experience death, autism and other negative effects from vaccines. Consider that the Homeland Security Act had within it a couple lines granting full immunity to Eli Lily, a pharmaceutical company manufacturing mercury laced vaccines.
Between 1992 and 2002 the autism rate in all 50 states rose 1000%. (Go to National Autism Association for more disturbing facts). Today it is estimated that 1 in 66 children who are vaccinated will develop autism. Every year 3,000 babies in the U.S. who die of SIDS do so within 4 days of receiving vaccines. In the 70’s, Japan changed the immunization age from 2 months to 2 years, and the SIDS rate dropped dramatically. The pertussis vaccine (whooping cough) is 100x more dangerous than just getting whooping cough.
Did you know there is a federal agency who exists for the sole purpose of financially reimbursing parents for negative immunization effects? So far, they’ve handed out over 800 million dollars in your tax payer money.
The World Net Daily posted an article this morning pointing out that states are now collecting DNA samples from newborns, and using it without the parents’ knowledge or wishes..
When rights are given to us by the civil government, we quickly become powerless. Since healthcare is now a government granted right, we are at the mercy of what manner of healthcare the civil government deems necessary for us.
Our Children?
It is disturbing to watch the mutual decline of life and liberty in our country and state. Now that life and personhood are rights granted by the civil government & medical community, it seems every other right is now the civil government’s to hand out to the populace with a list of requirements if they intend to keep their civil government given rights.
When you have children, you are made painfully aware of who owns your child. Children are a gift from the Lord to parents. The children belong to the parents, and live under the family government and under the headship of their father. The care given to the children is the sole responsibility and right of the parents.
In Georgia, children before birth, are the property of their mothers to be kept or disposed of as the mother sees fit. Once born, children belong to the civil government, and it is the duty of the parents to obey the civil government in the care of the children, or the civil government has granted itself the right to take away the children.
This ownership begins the moment of birth. By state law, your child receives a vitamin k shot and the PKU test. If you do not want these procedures, you must sign a paper for religious abstention and hope your nurses don’t call DFACS. Before you go home, your child receives his first vaccination. By state law, you must place your child in a carseat in order to take him home, and he must remain in a carseat each time he rides in a car until he is the age of 6. By state law, your child must attend school by a certain age. By state law, if you choose to educate your own child rather than having the state educate your child, you must submit attendance reports and do yearly testing so the state can make sure you are taking good care of its property. By state law, your child must have certain vaccinations before being allowed to enter the state school. By state law, should you purchase your child a bicycle, you must also insure that he wears a helmet. Should you choose to spank your child, there is also a state law in regard to that-how long the mark can last, and where the spanking is to be applied to the child. If one of your children die, the civil government has granted itself the authority to remove all your other children from your home until an investigation is completed in order to prove your innocence in the death of your child.
There is nothing necessarily wrong with helmets, car seats, discipline, vaccines, or vitamin K shots. But it is not the right of the government to dictate to us how we care for our children. God did not grant civil government that kind of authority. I’m amused when people ask, “What if a parent is irresponsible?” If a parent is irresponsible, it is for the church and community to fill in the gap. Do we really believe that the civil government, a perfect example of red tape, wasted money, abuse of power, bureaucratic nonsense, and dreadful neglect is capable of stepping in and adequately raising children? When the family government breaks down it is then for the church to care for and educate orphans.
Civil government does not hold power that it grants to itself. In fact, our Constitution was written as a restraint to civil government. Our Founding Fathers understood that civil government always seeks to take away. Our Constitution assumes the rights of the people, and restrains the civil government so as to protect those God given rights. The duty of civil government is to protect the life and liberty of the populace. Its powers are very clear, finite and limited. That is all.
Our liberty, our life, our property, our children are granted to us by our Creator. We must restrain the civil government, make our will known to those we elect, and take back the power that has been wrongly usurped by those we put over us.