§ Volunteer Form
§ What is Pro-Life Unity?
To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.
§ Action Code
Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to email us and we will send you the Action Code & sign you up as a member of Pro-Life Unity. Your site will be listed on the Members page
§ Life Principles
Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
§ Volunteer Form
Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you
Thursday, February 16, 2006
Maryland March For Life
The 27th Annual Maryland Candlelight March for Life will be held on Monday, March 6th, 2006, at 6:30 PM in Annapolis
Click here to go to the website for more information.
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
How Unity Will Help Us Overcome
Here are two ways we can challenge abortion, euthanasia, and the culture of death:
1) MarchTogether.com - Unite with us every month on the first Friday to call, email and/or march to let your representatives know that it is time to end abortion. This is a national effort where all of us who are Pro-Life join together, regardless of political party or Pro-Life organizational affiliation. The only requirement to participate is that you are Pro-Life and are ready to end abortion.
Everything you might want to know about the project is on the site. We help you with who you should call, when to call and what you might want to say.
Tell at least one additional person or organization about the MarchTogether.com project every month.
2) ProLifeUnity.com - Those of you who have web sites can link with us to help get action calls out to your readers. When you post an action call at ProLifeUnity.com it will automatically be sent to all other member sites.
What do we mean by Pro-Life Unity at prolifeunity.com? The idea is to promote Pro-Life action calls around the country and the world. One of the hardest things about Pro-Life activism is getting boots on the ground at various protest locations, like abortion mills or government buildings.
We are working with new technology, and with this technology we can reach millions faster than ever before!
The MSM acts against us by not showing the nationwide outrage agaist abortion, but through our blogs, we can and already are bypassing them. Will Fox News put out the Monthly Call for Life at MarchTogether.com every month on the first Friday? Not on your life, but you can, and we can put out your action call & so on.
If you have a web site & want to participate, go to prolifeunity.com and sign up or just send a message to signup @ prolifeunity.com. (no spaces)
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
Through our united efforts we will save lives
Friday, February 10, 2006
Today (Friday the 10th of February) at Three O’Clock Warriors for Life will be meeting at Farragut Square to have the mini GAP exhibit.
Please come
United Calls for Action • National • States • Maryland • (0) Comments • (3) Trackbacks • Permalink
Call for Action - Washington D.C.
Warriors For Life Mini GAP today at Connecticut & K from 3 - 5 pm. Show up & help us pass out flyers & speak to the uninformed.
Last week we spoke with many people who did not know what abortion really is. Albert & I spent 15 minutes or so talking to a black woman and her daughters, explaining how abortion is the modern black genocide. They stood in stunned disbelief as they heard the facts and statistics.
We won’t zoom in on the signs because that is not the purpose of this action alert.
This is a great location to expose abortion for what it is. Thousands of people go by & they can’t help but turn their heads to look at the signs.
February 10, 17, 24 (Every Friday) 3-5PM
Warriors for Life will be conducting a Mini Gap stop at Connecticut and K Street (across from Washington Metro’s Farragut North & West stops). During January’s stops, hundreds of pieces of literature were passed out and somewhere between 5,000 and 10,000 people saw the banners at each event.
Click here to go to the Defend Life web site for more information
For more information: contact Missy Smith at 202-337-1966 after 5PM
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
Virginia Action Call
LifeNews.com has a call for action going out to Virginia voters. HB 189 “is headed for the Virginia state Senate after getting a successful committee vote and House approval. The pro-life measure would subject abortion centers to the same safety requirements the state has for hospitals.”
Why shouldn’t abortion mills be required to maintain safety standards?
It’s another example of how the abortion industry skirts by all “common sense” regulations. Planned Parenthood & the other mills pretend that abortion is not a medical procedure. I’m sure the children who are killed in the womb would disagree, and the women who are quickly shipped to hospitals after botched abortions probably would too.
It is silly that any doctor can perform abortions anyway. If you are an eye doctor you qualify to rip children out of the safety of their mother’s wombs.
At first pro-aborts in government were worried that the safety requirements would be too strict. But…
That concern was lessened when the House adopted an amendment indicating that abortion centers don’t have to comply with the structural requirements in the bill as long as they can get women out of the building quickly on a gurney or stretcher to a medical facility in cases of emergency.
How about an amendment stating that the child must come out of the facility alive? Oh yeah, that would negate the need for the facility!
God forbid logic kicks in.
Click here to find your Legislator & let him/her know that abortion mills should have the same safety standards as hospitals.
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
United Calls for Action • States • Virginia • (0) Comments • (3091) Trackbacks • Permalink
Friday, February 03, 2006
Call for Life Today!
Tell everyone you know that today is the day of the Monthly Call for Life. Please help the unborn by calling and/or emailing your representatives. We will also be at the Supreme Court in Washington DC from noon till 2:00. We will have signs or you can bring your own.Call, email or march at your local government building to let your representatives know that we want them to end legal abortion.
Click here for this month’s newsletter
Tell everyone you know that today is the day of the Monthly Call for Life. Please help the unborn by calling and/or emailing your representatives. We will also be at the Supreme Court in Washington DC from noon till 2:00. We will have signs or you can bring your own.
Go to MarchTogether.com for everything you need in order to Call for Life. We help you with phone numbers, email addresses and even what you might want to say. If you want to print out your own signs or Life Cards they are there for you to download for free.
March on your local government building if you can, even if it’s just for an hour. Use your own signs if you want. If you are from Defend Life, the American Life League or any other Pro-Life organization, use the signs you have.
Another 4,000 human beings will be killed by a “doctor” today. The unborn need us to do everything we can.
Since the last Call for Life on January 6th many additional organizations / Pro-Life bloggers have cross-linked to MarchTogether.com. Thousands of people are coming to the site every month and many of you are participating in different ways to help the project grow. If you would like to cross-link with us, send an email to .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
Email and call everyone you know who might take part in this important mission. Encourage others to speak out to help stop the state sanctioned killing of human beings in the womb.
The power of God is working through all of us in our cause to save His children / our children. I know that legally ending abortion alone is not the final answer, and I know there are many other pieces to the Pro-Life puzzle. Fortunately we are diverse in our efforts and through our different missions we help put together the puzzle one piece at a time.
We the people of this great country need to speak up for the first right which is declared in the Declaration of Independence, namely the “Right to Life”!
If you can help out in any way, like graphics or web development, email us at .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address).
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
Friday, January 27, 2006
When they force us to kill for them
Covenant News pointed to an article about a woman who was fired because she didn’t want to sell morning-after pills, which many Pro-Lifers know is an abortifacient (kills unborn people).
Heather Williams worked for 5 years at this particular Target store in Missouri and they didn’t have a problem with hiring her even after she let them know about her views.
“In fact, when she was hired, she told them, ‘I have this religious belief and conscience concern,”’ Martin said. “They said, ‘Hey, we have no problem. It’s totally OK.”’
Paula Gianino, chief executive officer of Planned Parenthood’s St. Louis office, said Planned Parenthood has no problem with a pharmacist’s refusal to dispense the morning-after pill, a high dose of hormones that women can take up to five days after sex to prevent pregnancy. But, she said, some pharmacists are taking it too far.
“What we have is a growing extreme movement of pharmacists who don’t want to dispense, but who even refuse to give back the prescription and refuse to tell the patient where they can get the prescription filled,” Gianino said.
“Growing extreme movement”?
Abortifacients kill people and we’re the ones who are extreme?
Someday soon they will want us to give out suicide pills prescribed by “doctors”, and we will be fired for refusing to do that too.
The culture of death today is just like the Nazi movement. So many Germans said that they had no choice but to participate in the killing of Jews. Millions turned their backs on the evil that overcame Germany. The evil that permeated Germany so many years ago still exists. Abortion, euthanasia and stem cell research, these are all forms of evil which take the lives of a innocent human beings who have no say in their early demise.
We must stand up to this culture of death on a daily basis. We cannot afford to weaken or slow down. Our numbers must get stronger and we must unite in action efforts which challenge the culture of death. If we don’t, they will win. Anyone who speaks out against them will be fired or investigated. We are a hair’s breadth away from totalitarianism.
Don’t say that I am the one that is being extreme. I am not the one killing almost 4,000 human beings a day. I am not the one fighting for Euthanasia laws which are killing countless innocent, injured human beings, like Terri Schiavo. Millions are killed for research and In Vitro fertilization. We will become numb from the death and destruction if we don’t do something every day.
How many of us are already afraid of discussing birth control, abortion, euthanasia, In Vitro Fertilization and stem cell research at work or with our friends? How many of us have already lost friends and jobs? I was kicked out of two men’s groups because I am Pro-Life and they didn’t want to hear it. They said they don’t allow people with “agendas” to disturb their groups. Was I radical and rabid? No, I only prayed short prayers for the unborn and for Terri Schiavo, and occasionally discussed LIFE topics if they fit.
Not another day
That’s what we need to say to ourselves.
Not another day
Am I doing all I can every day to end abortion and the culture of death? I’m the only one that can answer that question.
Unite with us in the Monthly Call for Life at MarchTogether.com. We call, email and/or march on the first Friday of every month to let our representatives know we aren’t going away and that we want them to end abortion and the culture of death.
Are you a member of The American Life League, Pro-Life Action League, Defend Life or any other group? That’s fine, don’t quit who you’re with if you don’t want to, encourage your members to join us as well. When it comes down to it, there is no such thing as one single group or person in the Pro-Life movement who is running the show. We are all pieces of the puzzle who unite to form a complete picture.
The culture of death wants us to kill for them and they will fire us, arrest us or turn away from us if we don’t embrace their ways.
Not another day
More action, less talk
United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on
Saturday, January 21, 2006
March for Life
Posted by Tim at ProLifeBlogs.com
33rd Annual Rally and March for Life - President Bush Invited
“On the 33rd anniversary of the Supreme Court’s infamous Roe v. Wade decision, the 33rd annual March for Life begins at Noon, Monday, January, 23, 2006,” announced Nellie Gray, president, March for Life Fund. Gray said that thousands of pro-life Americans will rally at the Mall and 7th Street for a program, and then March for Life along Constitution Avenue to the Supreme Court and Congress.
“The March for Life is a peaceful demonstration—an annual reminder to all of Washington officialdom that it must overturn Roe v. Wade which decriminalized the intentional killing of a pre-born human. The Supreme Court cannot, and did not, legalize the killing of pre-borns. But Roe v. Wade did unleash on our beloved country the feminists/abortionist’ evil agenda of ‘choice’ to kill pre-born humans, and did begin the slippery slope to decriminalize infanticide, euthanasia, assisted suicide, fetal research and more evil. History records our own lamentable experience with slavery and our seeing the Nazi slippery slope from so-called 1935 Nuremberg laws, through years of ‘final solution’ horrors, to reality of accountable at Nuremberg Trials,” Gray said.
“President Bush is invited,” Gray said. “We pledge support to stop this home-grown terrorism of persons and public and private officials participating in the intentional killing of an estimated 4,000 preborn humans each day.”
It is expected that some Members of Congress and others will speak at the rally, including: Sen. Sam Brownback, and Rep. Christopher H. Smith (R-N.J.), Jeff Fortenbury, (R-Neb.), W. Todd Akin (R-Mo.), Todd Tiahart (R-Kan.), Steve Chabot (R-Ohio), Melissa Hart (R-Pa.), Mike Pence (R-Ind.), Steve King (R-Iowa), Mike Fergerson (R-N.J.), Scott Garrett (R- N.J.), and Jeanne Schmidt (R-Ohio).
The theme of this 33rd annual March for Life is: Roe v. Wade Violates the American Way.
“The State or a Person Can Never Justify the Intentional Killing of an Innocent Born or Pre-born Human in Existence at Fertilization. No Exception! No Compromise! We are calling for Americans to unify on goals and strategies to overturn Roe v. Wade, and replace it with the Life Principles. This means providing Constitutional protection for the unalienable right to life of each pre-born and born human in existence at fertilization. Murder is not a feminist/abortionist’s right of ‘privacy’.
“Yet, tragically, each American lives side-by-side with the slaughter of an estimated 4,000 pre-borns each day who are not even buried in graves. And, America suffers the massacre of an estimated 48,000,000 pre-born humans and their children’s children due to Roe v. Wade. Feminists/abortionists cover up this horror and shame of innocent blood, clearly showing that abortion can never be respectable. Therefore, it is the responsibility of our federal government—not individual states—to provide for the general welfare and stop the intentional killing of even one innocent born or pre- born human in our country. No Exception! No Compromise!”
Resources: March for Life
Note: if you plan to attend the March, check out Blogs4Life, the conference for pro-life bloggers and their readers.
United Calls for Action • States • Washington D.C. • (24) Comments • (3464) Trackbacks • Permalink
Monday, January 02, 2006
Welcome to ProLifeUnity.com
What is ProLifeUnity.com?
First of all, let’s remember what this is all for. Over 45 million human beings have been killed by abortion in the United States since 1973. Almost 4,000 a day join them. I am involved in the Pro-Life movement to help save the unborn and defend the defenseless. I am willing to do whatever it takes to contribute to the effort. If there is a local picket or Call for Life I participate and let others know about it. If I can donate I will help out as much as I can. We must unite and help each other help the unborn. There are millions of us who know that we must do all we can to end abortion and the culture of death. If we put our voices, emails and hands together, we will be louder and stronger with our Pro-Life Unity.
We are a “United Call to Action” site which gives all Pro-Life entities the ability to get their Action Calls out to every other member of ProLifeUnity.com, and anyone else who is interested in helping save the unborn through action. The more members we have, the more your Action Call will be seen.
Through our united Pro-Life blogging, organizational and individual efforts we can help your Action Call achieve greater results.
What do you have to do? Besides participating in Calls for Action when you can, not much really. We have set up this system so that it runs itself.
Here’s how it works:
1) You sign up with ProLifeUnity.com
> You must agree with our Life Principles
2) You receive an email with information and code that you put in your site that will automatically post the most recent Call for Action itemon your site or blog. If we all put our United Calls for Life section in the same place, everyone will automatically look there to see what the latest Action Item is.
3) When you submit a United Call for Action on your site it will automatically post on the right side of the ProLifeUnity.com web site and on all member sites. As more members come on board our sites will update frequently. ProLifeUnity.com will post 20 recent Calls for Action but you only the most recent 3 will post on member sites.
4) When visitors come to the site and see the Call for Action they will know that they should do something to help the unborn by participating in a Pro-Life organization or effort.
5) On the left side we have the National and State Call for Action links so that you can find local and national Action Items.
6) Members will be able to send approved messages to other members.