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Friday, November 26, 2010
A Case of Rape
A Case of Rape
Juda Myers 11.25.2010
She was twenty in the Congo living with her parents. Walking out of the shower one day Mary Gilliam found a soldier with a gun, waiting in her bedroom. This was not a story of someone coming home from the war and surprising his loved one.
In her own words Mary said, “When I came back in my room, there was a soldier standing there. He grabbed my towel, threw me on my bed, and put his gun in my ribs saying ‘If you make a noise, I’ll kill you.’ My little brother was sleeping in the next room and I was afraid for his life, so I didn’t make a noise! The soldier raped me and when he was done, he just laughed. Today, I can still hear this laugh.â€
The trauma of that event usually leaves a woman wounded for life. Mary was paralyzed emotionally and couldn’t tell her parents. She said, “My whole body seemed to be like it was in a cast—that I couldn’t move anymore.†A few days later she moved back to Europe where she was born, saying nothing to anyone about what happened.
Then she discovered she was pregnant. Unfortunately her parents didn’t believe her story when she told them. Sadly this happens so often. I am not sure what the benefit is for a parent to not believe their child. Now she has to deal with a rape and the rejection of her parents. What she needed was support and love. But instead her mother told her to abort the baby. As missionaries that should have never been a thought. Life is created by God alone. If man could create humans there would be no barren women. And even though the way a child enters the world is not understood this new life is a real and guiltless human.
Psalm 139:13
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.â€
Many people, who are against abortion, even pro life Christians, are suggesting abortion in the case of rape. Why? Is it better for the woman? It is not. God said “I set before you life and death. Choose life.†That seems pretty straight forward no special translations necessary. So it saddens me greatly that people following Christ could not offer counsel that helps both the mother and the child.
Because France would not do abortions on a three month baby, Mary went to Holland to get the abortion. She states, “These few days were the worst in
my life!â€
Mary had struggles in her life. The first man she married tried to violently kill his unborn baby inside her. Then she says, “I got married once with a violent man, then with a guy that cheated on me like crazy. I had 2 beautiful sons, but the hate that I had for this man, and the guilt about the abortion was very vivid!†She even went on to say, “I was shy, very insecure, my skin just didn’t fit me!â€
Like so many women who have aborted Mary suffered the rest of her life. It wasn’t until she confided in a friend, that she would find freedom. Her friend pointed out to her that she was only hurting herself by hating. She said “The other thing is the day I realized that I was a murderer! This one hit hard! Because I was hurt at that time, I killed someone! I didn’t give him a chance to live. This was another fight with myself. Once I recognized what I really did and asked God to forgive me, I had to fight with the guilt like I did with the hate! And slowly, it went away!”
Yes we can all be forgiven, but why go down that road in the first place? I challenge anyone reading this to be stronger in protecting girls and women from getting an abortion. Even in the case of rape women are hurt. Don’t be afraid to speak against abortion in a loving way. Women regret abortions even in the case of rape. You will be saving her a lifetime of heartache and possible self-destruction. We don’t show love when allow women to hurt themselves and their unborn babies.
Mary told me,“I really wish people would understand that I AM HAPPY today. I reconciled with myself, with God and with my mother. I fit my skin fairly well and I don’t carry the guilt anymore. Yes, I did shut off my brain for years, I just wanted to be “normal”. I couldn’t even tell you the date. All I know is that I got married the same year and it was a disaster! All of this because I refused to deal with the problem. Mary is speaking out in defense of the rape conceived child and the women who are traumatized both by the rape and the abortion.
She also told me she hopes to help other women avoid the trauma of abortion even in the case of rape. I am thankful for women like Mary Gilliam, who have the courage to tell their stories.
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