§ Volunteer Form
§ What is Pro-Life Unity?
To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.
§ Action Code
Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address) to email us and we will send you the Action Code & sign you up as a member of Pro-Life Unity. Your site will be listed on the Members page
§ Life Principles
Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.
§ Volunteer Form
Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you
Thursday, August 19, 2021
How many of our military aircraft were stolen by terrorists?!
Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin admits "a number of (MILITARY) aircraft have been (STOLEN BY TERRORISTS AND) flown to Uzbekistan and Tajikistan."
The aircraft contain TOP-SECRET EQUIPMENT!
Note the pregnant pause when he realizes he has to make this stunning admission to the entire world.
He then has the gall to say "we are focused on the airfield and getting people out safely."
Really? You can't walk and chew gum at the same time?!
If a soldier allowed a military toaster to be stolen by terrorists, that soldier could be court-martialed and thrown in jail. Is General Austin really going to get away with allowing top-secret military aircraft to be stolen?
America, the Biden administration has to go, including the military's so-called "leadership!"
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