§ Volunteer Form

§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

Help promote the Pro-Life Action Calls which are put out by Pro-Life organizations nationwide.

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§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

§ Volunteer Form

Click here to fill out our volunteer form. We can help you identify what you would like to do to help the unborn and connect you with either our efforts our some other group effort somewhere near you

Monday, July 26, 2021

Dementia Joe strikes again

What is wrong with the feckless, federal Republican Party that they allow Joe Biden, a man with obvious dementia, to be in charge of our nuclear missiles!


Posted by Peter Shinn on 07/26 at 11:43 AM
ColumnistsPeter ShinnNews • (0) CommentsPermalink

Saturday, July 24, 2021

Our National Security Agency works for the Democrats

If Republicans were caught doing something like this, Democrats would run them out of office within a week. Unfortunately, federal Republicans are feckless and worthless when it comes to standing up to Democrat tyrants!


Posted by Peter Shinn on 07/24 at 11:21 AM
ColumnistsPeter ShinnCommentaryLife & Liberty • (0) CommentsPermalink

Friday, July 23, 2021

Why are Republicans in jail?

Remember when hundreds of Democrats stormed the House building to protest after Kavanaugh was nominated? The media celebrated their “right” to protest. And none of them, I say again, NONE OF THEM were arrested.

Contrast that with almost 500 Republicans/conservatives facing months and years in prison for protesting an illegal election!

American Gulag article

On January 6th, Antifa and Black lives matter were the ones damaging government property, not Republicans. For no reason, Capitol police illegally fired flash bangs and tear gas into crowds of women and children. Two conservative women were killed because of Democrats, one was shot in the face.

Terrorist Democrats riot, murder, loot and burn, yet they face zero prison time. The justice system has a double standard in America.

There is no justice, it’s just us.

Posted by Peter Shinn on 07/23 at 10:36 AM
January 6th • (0) CommentsPermalink

Thursday, July 22, 2021

The real meaning of red pilled

Dictionary.com says "red pill is especially used among anti-feminist and white supremacist groups to refer to 'waking up' to the truth that women and liberal politics are oppressing men and white people."
Wow, when did dictionary.com become communist/socialist?

You guys should not be in charge of an online dictionary. Trying to gaslight the public with your redefinition of words is rude. Red pill used by anyone who knows that Democrats hate freedom of speech and you hate a free America. It's for all the people who have woken up to your lies and misdirection.

Posted by Peter Shinn on 07/22 at 01:18 PM
ColumnistsPeter Shinn • (0) CommentsPermalink

Democrats blocking investigation into Wuhan virus origin

How long will federal Republicans allow #CrookedDemocrats to behave like common criminals? We have a right to know the origin of the Wuhan virus! Most likely it came from the Chinese lab, where Fauchi had his hands in it.


Posted by Peter Shinn on 07/22 at 12:06 AM
Coronavirus • (0) CommentsPermalink

Wednesday, July 21, 2021

“The Cover-Up Is Always Worse Than The Crime”

Arizona State Senator Wendy Rogers has been a strong fighter for America’s audits, recently leading the charge to recall Arizona’s presidential electors.

After the Arizona audit hearing, Rogers called for a new fair election and labeled Fox News’ Bret Baier “fake news” for his cooperation with the Democrats.


Posted by Peter Shinn on 07/21 at 01:55 AM
ColumnistsPeter Shinn • (0) CommentsPermalink

Monday, January 25, 2021

Democrats Are Using The Capitol Incident As A False Flag

MORE video proof that Democrats stirred up the Trump supporting crowd, even breaking into the Capitol. Then they encouraged Trump supporters to enter. This resulted in the death of Ashli Babbitt.

I’m not saying that no Republicans did anything wrong. The point is, if it weren’t for the agitation by the Democrats, Republicans probably would’ve just stayed outside of the Capitol. Also, there is plenty of video evidence of the guards opening up doors and leading the Republicans into the building.

It was hardly an insurrection.

If, as Democrats claim, Republicans were there to kill Nancy Pelosi and hang Mike pence, you wouldn’t have been able to stop them. It would’ve happened.

The Capitol building was almost completely unguarded that day. How could that be? They knew Congress was in session and that Congress was voting to certify the presidential votes. The Democrats knew at least 500,000 Trump supporters were going to be there that day, yet we’re supposed to believe they left the Capitol building of the United States, at the capital of the free world, almost completely unguarded?

Let’s say your answer to that is yes, so shut up with your conspiracy theory! Okay, isn’t the logical answer then that Democrats nor Republican politicians were worried about the 500,000 Trump protesters because they never do anything wrong!?

Think about it, at your average Trump rally with anywhere from 30,000 to 70,000 people, it is calm and orderly and people even pick up their own trash!

Even at the Capitol building that day, you see Trump supporters pulling Democrats down from the windows that they were trying to break.

Whether Democrat politicians are responsible for the Democrat terrorists is not the point, they are using January 6 as an opportunity to create a false flag.

There was no coordinated Republican-led attack on the United States capital, and there was no Republican-led effort to kill Nancy Pelosi or hang Mike pence.

Here is an interview with Michael Yon, a war correspondent who knows the tactics of Antifa. He explains how he saw Antifa at the Capitol building on January 6 and also in Hong Kong as they were learning how to “protest” better.

Republicans did not commit insurrection and we are not terrorists. The Republican Party in Congress should demand an apology for the Republican citizens of the United States!

Any Democrat who accused Republicans of being terrorists and insurrectionists should apologize or being threatened with censure.

For 11 months we have seen Democrat terrorists riot, loot and burn their way across America, killing at least 100 people. Let me clarify that, MURDERING at least 100 people!

Democrats, how dare you stand by and allow America to be destroyed, just to push forward your vision that America is racist. Republicans, how dare you allow Democrats to destroy America and then accuse Republicans of being insurrectionists and terrorists!


Posted by Peter Shinn on 01/25 at 08:56 AM
ColumnistsPeter Shinn • (0) CommentsPermalink

Friday, December 25, 2020

Merry Christmas!

Happy birthday Jesus!

Posted by Peter Shinn on 12/25 at 07:36 PM
ColumnistsPeter Shinn • (0) CommentsPermalink

Monday, May 25, 2020

Memorial Day - To our fallen warriors


In honor of all the military men and women who have paid the ultimate price for our freedoms, including LIFE, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

Thank you and God bless you from all of us at Pro-Life Unity, Life Letters & Monthly Call for Life, Organized for Life, Prayer Pivot, Adopt the Mills and Cherish Life Ministries.

James Pouillon - Murdered September 11, 2009

We would also like to salute the pro-life warriors who stand unarmed on the front-lines of the pro-life movement who have paid the ultimate price for the unborn. James Pouillon was shot just for holding a sign of an aborted fetus while protesting the daily murder in America of 3,500 unborn babies.


Posted by Turnstile on 05/25 at 07:29 AM
ColumnistsPeter ShinnNewsUnited Calls for ActionNationalPermalink

Sunday, February 02, 2020

Psalm 148:7-8 (Pt. 2) - Natural Obedience

Thought/Prayer:  Topics:  2 at end.

“Praise the Lord from the earth, you creatures of the ocean depths, fire and hail, snow and clouds, wind and weather that obey him;” . . . NLT http://www.bible.com  (Read this scripture and more at http://prayerpivot.com)

Have we noticed the word “obey” here?  All of these natural phenomena are said to obey the Lord.  We know that Jesus stilled the sea, and the disciples were in wonder at His power.  What about us?  Aren’t we rather small in comparison to all of this?

We, even more than nature, must obey Him.  We cannot forget that God made humankind at the top of the hierarchy of creation, the only creation made in his own image (Gen. 1:27).  And whereas nature obeys Him, He made us to not only obey, but to seek Him (Acts 17:27).  We are the only creation who may choose whether to obey or not.  A tree cannot decide whether its branches bend in the wind or not.  A cat cannot choose between barking or meowing! 

Our having a choice makes it even more wonderful when we do obey.  Lord, we ask that each of us who are concerned for the future of the unborn, the elderly, the infirm, the mentally challenged, will make a priority of obeying You.  Lord, help us recognize Your voice as you speak to each of us in varying manner – and then help us obey.  May it be as natural as in nature.

Topics:  For all Christians world-around—More seeking our Lord and submission to Him moment by moment
Kansas Family Policy Council

Posted by Peter Shinn on 02/02 at 11:50 AM
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