Teen Defenders

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Click here to read endorsements by Bobby Schindler, Dr. Alveda King & Abby Johnson


FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime


Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.



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§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

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§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

§ Logo


Use this logo on your website as a link to ProLifeUnity.com


Blogs4Life Morning and Afternoon Sessions




"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation." ~Pearl Sydenstricker Buck

Media Alert: Charmaine Quoted in The Wall Street Journal on the Palin Pick

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Videos - Brutal arrests at the Democratic Convention in Denver and Pat Mahoney Interview

Julia Giacopuzzi, age 15, was rushed by a police officer, had her arms twisted behind her back, lifted up off the ground and then cuffed.

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Video - Interview with Brandy Lozier - Saline Abortion Survivor

Brandy Lozier speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.

“I’m here today to be a voice for the unborn, the ones who will never have a voice, to speak to Senator Barack Obama, who is radically pro-abortion, throughout 9 months of preganancy, even after the child is born. Who voted against the Born Alive Infants Protection Act which would have protected people like me who survived abortions. He doesn’t think they have any rights. He says it’s okay to kill them by infanticide after they survive an abortion.”

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Video - Denver Democratic Convention - Bullhorns

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Posted by Turnstile

Pro-Life Unity needs your help!

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Posted by Patrizia

Can you believe in God & vote for a pro-abortion candidate?

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Video - Pro-Life Unity Promo


What are we about? What can/is Pro-Life Unity doing?

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Fall 2008 40 Days for Life

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Obama’s Political Response To Abortion

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AUL President Charmaine Yoest to Attend Saddleback Civil Forum; To Keep Abortion in the Debate

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Video - Pastor’s Letter - Father Mark


Father Mark leads off a new series for Pro-Life Unity called Pastor's Letter. In this area Pastors, Priests and other men called by God to serve him, will speak out to others in ministry and to us. What is their message?

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Video - Freedom of speech? Not in Maryland!!! - Joe Healy Interview

Peter Shinn and Joe Healy

I interviewed Joe Healy, Associate Director for DefendLife.org, yesterday. He was on the road with the Defend Life Face the Truth tour when eighteen people were rounded up like common criminals and thrown in jail, all for standing on the side of the road with signs.

Imagine, there you are, standing quietly on the side of the road, holding a sign, and suddenly, like communist China, police pull up, put everyone in handcuffs and haul you off, no formal charges and no reason given.

Click the YouTube below in the middle to play it, or click here to view the high quality video on Vimeo.com

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Charmaine Yoest Named President and CEO of Americans United for Life

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The Hypocrisy Of The Democrats

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New Stanek WND column, “Cold and calculating - that’s Obama”

On Nov. 8, 1994, Pastor Scott Willis and his wife, Janet, started the day by voting in Illinois' general election. One vote they cast was to re-elect Secretary of State George Ryan.

They then commenced a road trip to Milwaukee with the youngest six of their nine children, ranging in age from 6 weeks to 13 years.

On Interstate 94 a truck in front of them suddenly dropped what was later determined to be a 6-by-30 inch metal brace weighing 30 pounds.

Having no time to swerve or stop, Scott ran over the brace, which hit the gas tank.

The van instantly exploded into an inferno. Scott recalled:

It was just roaring flames coming up on both sides. I was yelling to get out of the car. Janet and I had to consciously put our hands into the flames to unbuckle the seat belts and reach for the door handles.

Janet fell out the door while the car was still moving. Benny was in the midst of the burning; his clothes were mostly burned off by the time he got out. The five youngest children, who had been asleep, died instantly.

Only they didn't die instantly....

Continue reading "Cold and calculating - that's Obama" at WorldNetDaily.com.

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Posted by Jill Stanek

Support the HydroWALK

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Freedom of speech? Not in Maryland!!! - Joe Healy Interview


Imagine, there you are, standing quietly on the side of the road, holding a sign, and suddenly, like communist China, police pull up, put everyone in handcuffs and haul you off, no formal charges, no reason and no Miranda rights read to you.

Click here to continue reading and to view the video at ProLifeNews.tv

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Poll - Are you going to participate in the 40 Days for Life fall campaign?

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Posted by Turnstile

Video Appeal - Jenny Hodges - Pro-Life Unity


This is the first installment of an effort we have called Pro-Life Appeals. You will see video appeals by leaders of Pro-Life organizations, encouraging you to get involved and do everything you can to help oppose abortion/prenatal murder and the culture of death.

This Appeal features Jenny Hodges, National Director of Pro-Life Unity. It was filmed in front of the 16 Street Planned Parenthood abortion mill in Washington DC. This front-lines location saw 22 Pro-Life warriors on site that day, with about a half a dozen death-scorts (escorts).

Click the video below to view the YouTube video or click here to view the high quality video at Vimeo.com

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