Teen Defenders

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Click here to read endorsements by Bobby Schindler, Dr. Alveda King & Abby Johnson


FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime


Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.



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Blogs4Life Morning and Afternoon Sessions




"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation." ~Pearl Sydenstricker Buck

40 Days Shift

I was out at the 16th street abortion mill this morning, doing my part for the 40 Days for Life at 40daysforlife.com. Have you signed up yet?

United we stand - Divided they die - Pass it on


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Posted by News Hound

Freedom Of Speech And Abortion

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Video - PLATForum Conference - Pt1

The Pro-Life Legislative Action Team Forum (PLATForum) met at the Family Research Council (FRC) to discuss the need for 100% Pro-Life united voices on the Hill. Speakers included Dr. David Prentice from the FRC,

Dr. Prentice

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Free Management Seminar; Your Business Blogger(R) Quoted

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Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger and Barack Obama

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Video - Jill Stanek’s Life-Changing Pro-Life Moment

Part 1 of Pro-Life Unity's interview with Jill Stanek at the 2008 Values Voter Summit: She recalls the horrifying moment that made her into a pro-life activist -- the cradling of a Down's Syndrome baby that was aborted alive.

Eyeblast Version - Part 1

YouTube Version - Parts 1 & 2 combined

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New Stanek WND column, “Gianna Jessen: Above Obama’s pay grade”


Last week, BornAliveTruth.org unveiled its premier ad, featuring for the first time ever an abortion survivor speaking to a national audience. In the ad, Gianna Jessen appealed to Barack Obama to reconsider his prejudice against gutsy babies like her.

Gianna was aborted in 1977 by infamous CA abortionist Edward Allred, who is named on her birth certificate as her attending physician. Gianna's 17-year-old mother aborted her at 29-1/2 weeks' gestation after belatedly deciding the time wasn't right....

Gianna was externally and internally scalded [by a saline solution] for 18 hours, but her mother's bag of waters ruptured before Gianna died, and Gianna was delivered kicking and squalling....

Were it up to Obama, Gianna would not be here.

Doubt me? Obama's website lists the following language as "Language Clearly Threatening Roe" from the first, second and third versions the IL's Born Alive Infants Protection Act:

A live child born as a result of an abortion shall be fully recognized as a human person and accorded immediate protection under the law.

In Obama's mind, Gianna was not a human person when born and not eligible for legal protection.

If Obama doesn't believe abortion survivors are legal persons, it is perfectly legal to draw and quarter them by the dilatation and extraction (D&E) abortion procedure after delivery. It is perfectly legal to drown them in a bucket of water, the equivalent to a hysterotomy abortion wherein the baby is drowned in amniotic fluid. Obama must explain why this absolutely wouldn't be so....

Continue reading my column, "Gianna Jessen: Above Obama's pay grade," on WorldNetDaily.com.

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Posted by Jill Stanek

Abortion:  Front And Center In This Election

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Charmaine to Speak at the Women in Leadership Conference, University of Virginia

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Pro-Life Unity Live!

Join us daily 12:00 pm Eastern for Pro-Life Unity Live! Peter Shinn, Jenny Hodges and other members of the Pro-Life Unity team will help keep you informed on issues in the Pro-Life community. Our first segment, labeled incorrectly "Pro-Life Unity Life", was recorded today. Click the video below to listen to our broadcast.

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Jim Sedlak

If your Internet connection isn't fast enough for this high-quality Vimeo feed, we will have the YouTube version up soon. The others down below are all YouTube versions, but we do have many high-quality Vimeo streams available. Click here to view our Vimeo channel.

What is therapeutic embryonic stem cell research? from Peter Shinn on Vimeo.

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Dr. David Preston - Pt2

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Dr. David Preston - Pt1

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Judie Brown

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Video - David Bereit - With God all things are possible

David Bereit speaks to Peter Shinn

David Bereit talks about the 40 Days for Life campaign and how hundreds of thousands of people are going to unite for prayer for 40 days in front of abortion mills in over 170 cities.

Click here to view the video at ProLifeNews.tv

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Video - Star Parker - Blacks are in a dilemma

Star Parker - CURE

This is not the first time that Blacks have to choose between their color or Christ. That's what it really comes down to. And now, visibly, they have to choose between their color or Christ, because the representation of the left party has always been to destroy life, destroy life in the womb. In fact, the Democrat strengthened their death language in the last convention. When you look at Back abortion rates now, for every two pregnancies one is aborted, blacks should be alarmed, they should be up in-arms, but, race politics has been going on for so long, and Blacks have been so indoctrinated to believe race politics, that when questions of life come up they put them second third or fourth of their concerns and allow for this holocaust to continue.

Click here to view the video at ProLifeNews.tv

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Gianna Jessen:  Abortion Survivor Who Goes the Distance, 26.2

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Video “Barack Obama took a position left of NARAL” - Jill Stanek

Jill Stanek

We caught up with Jill Stanek at the Family Research Council Value Voters Summit this weekend. Jill was filling us in on how events in her life back in 1999 are helping shape the elections today. Jill said:

"I'm a registered nurse who found out that at my hospital, Christ Hospital, in Oaklawn, Illinois, was involved with an abortion practice called an induced labor abortion that resulted in babies being aborted alive, and if they were aborted alive, they were allowed to die without any medical intervention whatsoever. This was back in '99."

Click here to view the video at ProLifeNews.tv

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Video - “The most Pro-Life Republican Platform” - Tony Perkins Family Research Council

Tony Perkins - President Family Research Council

ProLifeUnity.com / ProLifeNews.tv went to the Family Research Council's Values Voters Summit this weekend in Washington D.C.. There were many top conservative and Pro-Life leaders there to help voters pick the right candidate this year. One of our interviews was with Tony Perkins, the President of the Family Research Council (FRC)

Describing the event, Mr. Perkins said:

"This is our third annual event, this year, over 2100 people registered, being here...we have about 10,000 people watching it online. You had the Demo.cratic convention, you had the Republican convention and now you have a Values Voters Summit. This is a platform for value voters, for Christians, for social conservatives who are concerned about this nation."

Click here to view the video at ProLifeNews.tv

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50 Million Dead - No Monument

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