Teen Defenders

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Click here to read endorsements by Bobby Schindler, Dr. Alveda King & Abby Johnson


FRC Video on the ethics of embryonic stem cell research
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Washington D.C. child molesters use abortion to get away with their crime


Brandy Lozier, abortion survivor, speaks out against Barack Obama and Christians who are silent against abortion. Brandy survived a saline abortion.



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§ What is Pro-Life Unity?

To achieve Pro-Life Unity we will establish standards that we all agree upon, and efforts that we all regularly participate in. By working together we can challenge the culture of death and the apathy which is pervasive in our society.

§ Action Code

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§ Life Principles

Click here for the timeless Life Principles that were established over 30 years ago by the March for Life Education and Defense Fund.

§ Logo


Use this logo on your website as a link to ProLifeUnity.com


Blogs4Life Morning and Afternoon Sessions




"The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation." ~Pearl Sydenstricker Buck


Tuesday, September 8, 2009, President Barack Obama will address America’s..

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Welcome to the PLATForum

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PLATForum Conference - Pt 2

The opening of the Pro-Life Legislative Action Team Forum (PLATForum) at the Family Research Council continues with Dr. David Prentice from the FRC and Johanna Dasteel from the American life League.

The Eyeblast.tv version of Pt2 is split into 2 pieces. Both of them are below.

Pt2 - A

Pt 2 - B

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Video - Tom McClusky interview - PLATForum

Tom McClusky

Discussing the Pro-Life Legislative Action Team Forum (PLATForum), I asked Tom McClusky from the Family Research Council what he thought about the idea of the PLATForum. He replied:

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Video - PLATForum Conference - Pt2

Continued from Pt1

Johanna Dasteel

In this segment, Johanna Dasteel, Senior Congressional Liaison for American Life League states:

It's nice that we can have this forum to educate, but we also want to make sure that PLATForum is a tool for Pro-Life leaders, whether they can actually physically attend this or attend it by distance on the Internet, to brainstorm, and network and work together on legislation and influencing congress, to put forth, sponsor, support and educate 100% Pro-Life legislation for the protection of the pre-born.

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Video - PLATForum Conference - Pt1

The Pro-Life Legislative Action Team Forum (PLATForum) met at the Family Research Council (FRC) to discuss the need for 100% Pro-Life united voices on the Hill. Speakers included Dr. David Prentice from the FRC,

Dr. Prentice

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Jim Sedlak

If your Internet connection isn't fast enough for this high-quality Vimeo feed, we will have the YouTube version up soon. The others down below are all YouTube versions, but we do have many high-quality Vimeo streams available. Click here to view our Vimeo channel.

What is therapeutic embryonic stem cell research? from Peter Shinn on Vimeo.

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Dr. David Preston - Pt2

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Dr. David Preston - Pt1

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Video - Therapeutic Embryonic Stem Cell Research - Judie Brown

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